Reviews from

in the past

This game is evn worse than I remembered it being and I alrdy thought it was arguably the worst Sonic game

Sonic Blast is one of the worst games I have ever played. None of the levels are fun, the game looks so ugly, everything is so slow and clunky. Every moment I spent in this game was dreadful. Despite looking entirely different from the other Game Gear and Master System games, this game holds up many of the same bad traditions, such as the abundance of tubes. Stay away from this game at all costs, this is terrible in every sense of the word.

Fellas, I must confess: this is my favorite 8-Bit Sonic game, and by a long shot. And this came after playing pretty much all of the other gamegear games. Sonic 2 and Triple Trouble were decent, Sonic Chaos was meh, and Sonic 1 was good, but somehow I enjoyed more my run with Sonic Blast. In fact it got to the point this was the first VC game I ever bought on 3ds. I tend to replay it about once every two years and I never stop having a "blast" if you will. I really dig Sonic's double jump, the music on the latter stages is either atmospheric or catchy, the true final boss theme in particular is the only final boss theme out of the 8bit Sonic games that does feel like an actual emotional final boss theme and is my favorite tune of all 8bit Sonic. Playing as knuckles is kinda jank ngl but still passable. I really can't argue more, it shouldn't be physically possible to enjoy this more than Sonic 1 or Triple Trouble but, to me, that's the case, and I know playing it again won't change my mind nor make me realize the supposed mistakes this game has as I already play this pretty frequently never seeing those mistakes that worsen the experience for others.

Sonic Blast is a clunky, visually horrifying, horribly put-together came that once again fails to be a Sonic game, on a weaker system not built for Sonic. Every level until Blue Marine is easy, yet miserable to complete, due to how slow the game controls, while Blue Marine is so confusing for a first-timer that the game just is not worth continuing. Somehow worse than Sonic 1 SMS.

like playing donkey kong country on horse tranquilizers. would be 0.5 stars if not for goku eggman.

Later levels in this game are dreadful

Literally nothing good about this game except maybe a couple songs