Reviews from

in the past

(Note: The PS4 copy of Reignited Trilogy I played on my PS5 is a used copy. Activision did not get a single cent from me.)

I knew of Spyro for years, but never played any of the games. My earliest memory of the purple dragon was commercials for Spyro: A Hero’s Tail. Never played that game and I have no interest in that today. Another memory I had was when the Wendy’s restaurant had Spyro toys. This is a fond memory. I remember my brother, father, and I were at a food court at this mall near us, it was closing time for the restaurants. While my father was talking on the phone, the Wendy’s employee gave my brother and I the toys that were in the display case for free because it was time to change the toys to something else. I do not have the toys anymore, but I always remember that moment.

Cut to 2024 and since I completed Crash 1-3 and It’s About Time, it made sense to jump into Spyro. One playthrough of Spyro 1 on the Reignited Trilogy later and I thought it was mid.

Spyro 1 has our purple dragon protagonist needing to free all the dragons who were crystalized by Gnasty Gnorc. Simple story for a platformer from the 90s.

You travel to different homeworlds and complete different objectives like save a certain amount of dragons, collect a certain amount of gems, and collect a certain amount of dragon eggs. To be honest, the levels were pretty uninteresting. The level design is fine, but lacks a sort of flare to them. By the third homeworld, I said to myself: “When will this game get good?” The final homeworld was where things got interesting. The level design was better there.

I used the Reignited Controls and the game controlled well. I do not remember the soundtrack at all, but I love the visuals. Just like the N-Sane Trilogy, this looks great.

The final boss was pathetic. It takes two hits and it is done. I thought after all the chasing and flaming Gnasty, we would teleport to an arena to do a final battle, but nope. After two hits, the game ends. What???

Spyro 1 is a competent game that I do not see myself replaying. The level design is fine, but lacks spectacle. The controls are good, the music is forgettable, and the visuals in the Reignited Trilogy are superb.The final boss was pathetically easy and I expected more. I expected more from this game, but what I got was a mediocre game.

A very fun and nostalgic remake, I had a lot of fun going for this platinum. I look forward to doing the trilogy!

The original Spyro the Dragon is an all timer in my book. I simply adore it. So by rights, this remake, with its glamorous visual makeover and QoL enhancements (you don't have to stand still and press a button to look around anymore!) should be objectively better, right? RIGHT?!

Well, I know how all the puritans who were chagrined over the minute changes made in the Demon's Souls remake must feel now, I guess. Toys for Bob's recreation of a PS1 classic is perfectly serviceable. It plays well, it looks good, and it sounds about the same, especially if you turn on Stewart Copelands' original legendary score, but OG Spyro just had that certain magic that this is missing. I can't even put my finger on what it is. Maybe it's purely down to nostalgia, I don't know, but this remake didn't bewitch me the same way PS1 Spyro the Dragon always does.

Anyway, onwards to the second entry.

That one dragon in the treetops level was some horseshit