Reviews from

in the past

Really enjoyable with friends. The graphics are quite high for this type of game though which makes a lot of stuttering and frame drops for a entry level gaming lap in medium settings.

definitivamente não é pra mim

You have no idea what you are missing. This game is not just a typical FPS Shooter but a deep lore and story with great gameplay if you open your eyes.
And OFC Easter eggs are amazing!

All my friends play as lights......we lose.....a lot....

Way more fresh feeling than it has any right to be.

genuinely got bored a bit too fast, probably would be fun to play if I had a new gen console or up to date graphics card. Had to play through GeForce Now to get the best experience(not sponsored but GFN is genuinely better than XBox Cloud). The Finals is visually pleasing imo but the ai voices knocks it down a point when there are so many voice actors that would have been happy to be voices in a game. Another point down because it doesnt seem as though many people even care for this game(the ai stuff probably plays a factor), though I was a fan of the mechanics.

Muito bom, mas se seu time n te ajudar e quase impossível carregar a partida

Not a bad game by any means. It's a very shut-your-brain-off and play game, but it also feels incredibly bare bones and overly repetitive at times.

Free and fun for some time before it gets boring.

genuinley really cool and super fun! but awefully dead. not toxic and very refreshing to play, fast paced and i love the character customization. just wish more people knew about it.

Moved on from the game pretty quick, but definitely entertaining with friends and I can see myself going back to it in the future!


In the short, but ever-expanding list of FPS games that got fairly popular, then died in about two weeks after, The Finals was the one I actually played a few times. The few hours that I spent playing this with my buddy, I had a ton of fun with, but after about 5 hours playing, I don't really feel the same anymore. The mechanics are fine, and the idea is really engaging, but the gunplay and movement and the maps all range from being clunky to too large, and ultimately the final product is just one big game full of meh. Not sure exactly what they could do to back it better, but I was totally fine with my experience from it and that sums it up quite well.

Innovative game modes, didn't encounter any bugs or problems, visually pleasing, destruction mechanics were awesome, etc. Had a lot of fun playing this solo and with a friend. However we got bored fairly quickly after going through enough matches, specializing with a class and getting the hang of it.

Not a big fan of seasonal content games that drip-feed you new stuff over long periods of time desperately trying to keep you coming back so that you hopefully buy something with real money from their store either, so yeah.

All in all a cool new free online fps I can recommend to anyone.

C'était très cool, la DA est super mais bon ça aura duré une dizaine d'heures quoi

fun in the betas, but kinda exhausted me by the time the game launched

I appreciate the refreshing atmosphere and game loop but it's still very average to me

pretty fun and has many different modes to play.

finally a fun shooter! let me add my friends...oh wait, none of them play it

GooeyScale: 60/100

An absolutely fantastic game that unfortunately people didn't seem to click with? Maybe that's not true, but it seems like most of what made the game unique people had trouble with. It's a breath of fresh air and genuinely innovative. Fantastic game.

The Finals is a fun three person (now up to five person) team shooter game with interesting objective-based combat and fun weapons. It's free-to-play nature is not game-busting, although your avatar will look like absolute dogshit if you don't spend real money on outfits. However, they are purely cosmetic and add nothing to gameplay, so thankfully there's that.

Combat is fast, fun, and very easy to pick up and play. When you have a team of three people you know and can communicate with, it's spectacular to run in, kill your opponents, grab the cash, and defend the point until the money is yours. If, however, you're playing with a random person who isn't talking and focusing on KD ratio, you're gonna have a bad time.

The game modes will likely need massive change ups to maintain players, and they just added a five player mode, so we'll see how much it shakes things around. The main mode, revolving around finding money, putting it into a bank, and defending it, is great fun, but the timer aspect almost undoes it. When you place money in a bank, a countdown begins and other teams can come kill you and steal the money for themselves. However, the countdown is universal and never stops, ever, so it often comes down to the very last second, made worse by the fact that if you're in the middle of trying to steal, the timer won't freeze and can just cut you off, which is somewhat bad game design. After a certain amount of time has passed, it's no longer possible to steal and absolutely not worth risking anything other. Because of this, matches can often feel repetitive, which is unfortunate.

Overall, the game is a fun time, especially for being free, but it's not amazing. Will it be around in 2025? Who knows (I doubt it). These types of games come and go every month now, so we'll see how long this one survives. It is, however, an excellent way to kill time when you don't have a lot and feel like slamming someone with sledgehammer.

I liked this, but they didn't update it quick enough and it fell off. Kinda sad

niepolecam moj brat sie tylko wkurwial na te gre

this is a really solid FPS all around with some of the best gunplay in any game i've played, things like the announcers add to the ambiance nicely too

its a pretty new game that gets frequent updates , so ill give them a pass on th balancing , which has been pretty awful th whole time ive played it . its quite fun tho ! especially when theres nobody in ur lobby thats using melee . heres 2 hoping that they can improve th balancing & th map pool so that th game can be truly great .

A fun-first shooter. Movement is better than every COD ever released and the level destruction is fun. graphics can be very smeary which feels bad in a movement shooter.