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in the past

extremely conflicted on one end the gameplay visuals and audio are phenomenal i dont think have had more fun with a games combat system but the story is not for me it was poorly written and executed i really wish it could have been different



You'd think they'd fix the one thing that proved how contrived the whole experience fundamentally is, but they don't even bother.

probably the greatest story ever written for the greatest medium ever invented

Writing a blog post on this one having finally finished it. Stay tuned.

One of my new favorite games of all time. I absolutely loved this game.

The last of us part 2 suffered a mass hating campaign when it launched, so i never played it cause of it. Now, some years later, i decided to play it as my first PS5 title and it was a blast, one of the best linear games i've played in years fr

Why is there even a remaster of this game????

This did NOT need a remaster, but it was fun to return for the developer content and the No Return mode.

I look forward to having this on PC one day.

When I first finished TLOU 2, I absolutely hated it.

I beat the whole thing in 2 sittings in order to avoid spoilers and to watch streamers react to it straight after I played. I didn't give myself time to digest what was happening in the story, and everything felt like one long run (obviously). I listened to the words of controverisal streamers I was watching and formed their negative opinions as my own. I sold the game on Facebook marketplace the next day for a couple of pounds cheaper.
I didn't have a problem with the story at all; my main gripe was having to play as this character who I had absolutely no connection to for half the game. Since I rushed everything, I did not have time to fully relate to this character, I simply related to Ellie, one half of the duo of one of my favourite games of all time.
4 years later, I decided to play it once again, taking my time and giving it a fair shot. I came out the other end thinking that this game is a masterpiece.
All the issues I had with my first playthrough had suddenly disappeared once I took my time to appreciate the detail and care that was put into the world and the story. I played the game on Hard mode too, which made it even more fun since I had to focus more on stealth and being conservative with ammo.

Both TLOU games are titles that I believe fans of cinematic games should play, but take it from me.. Take your time.

Gameplay is good, story is horrible.

wow, it's the last of us part 2! again!

A little confused as to how such a clearly good game became so controversial. While I definitely got tired of the stealth gameplay, the story is phenomenal and I can't stop thinking about it.

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I might have a gay crush on Ellie.







至於這遊戲被台灣玩家狠狠唾棄的woke方便,我也不是不能理解。Lev的性別認同橋段真的感覺有點硬要XD 在世界末日的情況下還在擔心這個,似乎有點⋯⋯搞錯重點?話雖如此,劇情的解釋是Lev(當時是Lily)是得知自己被許配給長老做新娘才憤而反抗剃頭,倒也算是合理。



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El mejor juego de la historia incluso superando al primero. Amo a ellie, soporto a abby, lev es mu mono. DINA DIOSA. Posiblemente me haga asesino por ese maravilloso gameplay y como en dificultades altas se hace super tactico. Ps eso, viva Joel y Ellie

finally played this after 4 years and i was honestly expecting the story to be worse? in the end i ended up actually liking abby's character honestly (also liked abby's story because theres seals and i love them). there are some things that could've been changed, pacing and also maybe we should've played as abby first and then ellie? other than that of course the story is nothing groundbreaking but people really blew it out of proportion i feel. the gameplay is the best part, super satisfying. i think the negative reaction to this game had a lot to do with the leaks that came out before which got people riled up. and if you think ellie forgave abby youre an idiot. its a good game.

‣ 10/10 – Damn…

‣ Thoughts: There are two ways to play this game. One, hate Abby and in turn the story or two – set the difficulty to grounded and cry.

The first time I completed this title, I was among the people who absolutely despised the way this story goes. I hated Abby segments, had no interest in the characters around her and just found the overall experience annoying. But through all that unreasonable hate, the gameplay was still amazing. Today I replayed The Last of Us II and think it is Naughty Dog’s magnum opus. Although, the overall story happens in an order I would rearrange every single, time I’ve come to appreciate what Neil Drunkass was trying to accomplish with this narrative. It is really tough to make players like a character that kills a fan favorite, nonetheless, force them to play as that character, but if you just try to look at it from her perspective it becomes quite a good story.

Playing this game on grounded changes everything. Every encounter, every shot you take, every bullet you pick up becomes a piece of a puzzle you are constantly trying to solve. At times it is bizarre how accurate humans are, but it makes combat one of the most realistic experiences I’ve had in a PlayStation title. Stealth is no longer optional but a means to survive. Resources are scarce but not gone. By the end of the game, I still had over 20 bullets to spare which is impressive, because some encounters expect you to eliminate over 15 enemies (mind you, I’ve only picked up around 15 shotgun shells across the whole game). My advice for any brave souls attempting The Last of Us on grounded: don’t do your first playthrough on permadeath. It is just not worth the time.

Overall, I don’t think The Last of Us II needed a remaster, but I know why they did it. The game looks absolutely stunning, and the animation work is above S tier. I have a strong suspicion this title will be ported to PC when the second season of the show drops. When that time comes, I cannot wait to play the game yet again on grounded and see how well I do, because this combat deserves mouse support.

When I played this at the launch, I didn't like it.

It was nothing with the game, really, I just felt tricked by the marketing that sold us a lie, presenting trailers with scenes that aren't in the game.

But as the time passed and I digested the story and the experience overall, I slowly began to love this game. So now I played it again, and wow, this game is a masterpiece.

Putting the fake marketing aside, a coward decision in my opinion, this is a very bold game, for a game with this much money in it they choose a type of story that isn't for everyone, it remembered me of Cowboy Bebop, one of my favorite anime.

It isn't a story about the jorney of some hero, the redemption of some villain, or anything like that. It's a mature story about human problems, traumas, shadows of the past and much more.

I won't spoil you experience telling the story, just now that it isn't a cheap dose of dopamine to make you happy, sometimes this is a slap in the face, sometimes you wont agree with the character choices (since they are human and make mistakes), sometimes you will be shocked and sad, but that makes it special, you learn more about yourself and reflect on things as you progress.

Story aside, the gameplay is nothing special, don't get me wrong, it is fun and the things that are in it are well made, the enemies are smart and try to surrond you, the damage is localized so you can shoot someone in the legs to make him fall and die in one meele attack, but it's like a TLOU1 revised, nothing that Metal Gear, Splinter Cell or Tenchu didn't do many years before, you still cant "freeze" or interrogate the enemies, you can't craft a grappling hook to choose a safer path, you can't shoot lights to create a darker place to hide etc.. The new things that I noticed are the new weapons, the prone movement, the AC like aerial assassination, the fact that you can make a clicker (It only works with clickers for some reason) bite someone you hold and some other things.

Here is a gameplay that I made to demonstrate some of these:

Sound design is top notch, the ambience is perfect (you can see how rain, sun and other things affected the enviroment over the years, and every room is unique with a lot of personality, making it fun to explore), the facial expression technology is awsome, the animations are the best i've ever seen.

Masterpiece, see you space cowboy.

A beautiful game that I really enjoyed even though the ending is unconvincing and the gameplay is repetitive, but it's visually enjoyable and the gameplay is fun. The biggest problem is the story; I won't spoil it for you, but enjoy it as a listener to the story and don't let other people's opinions ruin this masterpiece for you.

The Last of us part 2 is probably the most controversial game I have seen people talk about in a very long time. You either love it or hate it. I sit in the camp of loving this game so much. The size of this game is absolutely huge compared to the last of us part 1. Naughty dog went all in on this game and it certainly delivers on every aspect of the game in my opinion.
I love the story and characters in this game. The Story is incredibly powerful which deals with complex themes and emotions such as obsession, hatred and the cycle of violence.
The voice acting and performances from the actors is top tier. Ashley Johnson and Laura Bailey deserved huge praise for their roles as Ellie and Abby respectively.
Visually this Game is absolutely incredible. The character model's and environments are stunning to look at. Naughty dog has always been the gold standard in games when it comes to graphics and this is their best looking game yet.
On the gameplay side of things the game is incredibly fun game to play with plenty of different ways to approach Combat Scenarios that's either Taking out enemies quietly or taking on enemies in a Aggressive approach. Exploring the world of the last of us part 2 is both wonderful and very rewarding .The collectibles are worth finding because not only does it provide more context for the main story but also adds a ton of interesting information on what happens inside the city of Seattle. The audio design in the last of us part 2 is phenomenal especially if you use gaming headset which helps you immerse yourself more in the experience.
Total playtime 45 hours

I don’t know even understand the emotions that I am feeling right now. I need TLOU3 😭

I bought it for the PS4 a month before the remastered version was to come out and then upgraded, was great and easy. Enjoyed the story line and glad I got to play it without knowing any spoilers.

Never have I seen a sequel as brave as this one. A generational masterpiece

Don't really think it's worth rating this any lower or higher than the PS4 version. Nothing is really changed save for a few technical tweaks and graphical changes that I can't see.

Спасибо конечно за фишки DualSense, но где RTX?