Reviews from

in the past

i do not like playing the sims on console but i will happily play bustin out.

The level of improvement and increase in graphical fidelity from the first 3D Sims game is kind of staggering. I've spent many hours on this game as a youth.

It's more or less a remake of the first game but with more polish. It's fun, goofy, and entertaining from start to finish.

My favourite The Sims game, and it's not even nostalgia because I replayed it recently and loved it. It has structure like an RPG rather than a sandbox game.

I played SO much of this game growing up. Having a list of objectives helps keep someone invested and helps them understand what they may need to do to make progress, which could be considered antithetical to a simulation game like this. I personally think that isn't the case and that Bustin Out benefits from the objective system. Even so, you also have the more open experience as an option, so the game has something for everyone.