Reviews from

in the past

I came across this game through PS Plus but it was so engaging out the door. Its art style is very cute and timeless, and the gameplay loop is very addicting. Me and my friends had a blast taking on this gauntlet of a boss rush and this game does something very unique in which all bosses die in only one hit. It sounds boring, but the bosses as well as combat is perfectly balanced to be a constant power struggle as you learn the enemy's weakness and the boss constantly moves around trying to get you. It was a good experience and fun to go back to.

Titan Souls is a game about bullshit. When you die it feels like bullshit and when you win it feels like bullshit.

Gustosita boss rush con sus vueltitas a las mecánicas gustositas y su banda sonora gustosita

I think this game does a LOT really well. The bosses all get killed in one hit, but you have to spend attempts figuring out how to access their singular weak spot, which is a fun challenge and is balanced basically perfectly by you also being killed in one hit. My big issue is that the environment is just too big for its own good with no easy/quick way to traverse it, so it ends up being a lot of running to the bosses, only to die within a few seconds because a lot of bosses are supposed to be killed really fast. In a world where this wasn't the developers' first game and condensed the world to just be hallways between each boss, this game would be incredible, but what we get is still a very fun game that I enjoyed quite a bit.

Dolor de controles y de hitboxes
Buena demo técnica I guess


fun puzzley bosses. love the gimmick. my big gripe is the boss runbacks... i have no idea why such a thing would be present in a game like this. extremely odd decision. the game is short and isnt particularly difficult so it doesnt end up being a huge deal, but annoying nonetheless. also this game should not be 15 dollars lol

The soul quick kill youtube pesquisar

A pretty fun boss fighting game that brought me back to my old Minecraft one in the chamber mini game days. It really challenges you to figure out an approach and opening for each boss which was satisfying and challenging. Beating it on hard mode was also fun as the game became more about execution than planning. My one major gripe about this game is that it makes you walk 10-16 seconds after respawning for a boss fight. I can't overstate how shitty of a design choice this is for a game you die in one hit in. Some fights last a few seconds as you try to figure out a boss and it is really annoying that there can be stretches where there is more walking to the boss than actually fighting it. It was also fun to see a lot of ideas for Deaths Door get their start in this game.

(Reseña sacada de mi cuenta de Steam: APolChrome)

Si tuviese que describir este juego en una sola palabra, sería minimalismo. Es increíble como en 3-4 horas y UN punto principal, consigue divertir y variar tanto.

Básicamente va de una persona cualquiera que se encuentra en un vasto mundo lleno de titanes, criaturas mucho más imponentes y aparentemente poderosas que él. Al más puro estilo Shadow of the Collosus, iremos derrotando a distintos titanes con nuestra única arma, el arco. El combate es el focus del juego. Este es fluídisimo, es súper gratificante simplemente combatir, aunque te mueras. El movimiento está súper bien hecho y el arco se maneja muy bien.

Los bosses, lo principal... Son perfectos. Simplemente eso. Los combates tienen 2 fases: la primera, encontrar el punto débil y la segunda a darle al punto débil. Eso hace que los primeros intentos de un jefe, él se sienta desconocido, ya que no sabes qué hay que hacer realmente. Consiguen que de una flecha salgan varias mecánicas bastante originales y divertidas.

Visualmente, es muy bonito, con entornos variados y un pixel art simple pero muy bonico. La música es como yo lo llamo "hacer un Breath of The Wild". Esto es no poner música en el overworld y en los combates poner para que sean más épicos, y lo hace muy bien. Transmite muy bien esa sensación de soledad ante un mundo tan grande.

Titan Souls me ha parecido un juegardo en toda regla que todo el mundo debería jugar aunque fuera solo una vez.

Me encanta la temática, el ambiente, lo sencillo y simple como es presentado. No me gusta los jefes, no es un juego para mi, puede que mi reseña sea más positiva si tuviese manos para jugar bien, pero no creo que sea condición suficiente