Reviews from

in the past

It's like every other game in this franchise except for the fourth one, competent and fun, but unfortunately, it doesn't go beyond that.

A very good game that takes the ideas of the first Uncharted and polishes them to an absurd degree. The setpieces in this game are still great to this day. It's also a game that had the whole AAA game "quiet moments where you walk around and look at stuff" trope before it started to feel really worn out.

Oh yeah, the multiplayer in this game was also surprisingly pretty good.

This series is amazing. This one is better than the first and that's saying a lot!

I wanted to get the background before playing the fourth game, so I made sure this wasn't left Uncharted Too, thankfully this game was so good it made me feel like I was Among Thieves playing it for cheap on the Nathan Drake Collection.

Games like this are very few and far between. Enjoyable the whole way through. If you have not played the Uncharted series, you are an anomaly and should play them immediately.

Mucho mejor que el Uncharted 1, no me aburri en ningun momento y me mantuvo todo el rato enganchado. Ninguna parte se extendio demasiado y nunca se volvio monotono como el primero, un juego muy entretenido :)

Chloe Fraser can do things to me. Oh yeah and the rest of the game is masterful.

when i was first to play this game, i expected quite a lot BC
i loved first uncharted in theory but gameplaywise it had a lot of flows.
but this game did not disapoint me.
this game could be so much better if it had multyplayer or some kind of side content, that is BC i enjoyed campaing so much
also i think that this game have realy unenjoyable platinum trophy.
overall great game that for me suffers becuse of its length and lack of a side content

No me gutan los trenes

O meu segundo uncharted favorito, jogo Ă©pico

how have you not played this yet

Nathan Drake finds and ruins a lost civilization again, and it’s still peak

hardest boss fight i've ever encountered

Migliore della saga. Villains migliori della saga, e l'esordio delle chiappe di Chloe.

overrated, and could be even more if i replay

The movie's got nothing on this

anything cool that happens in this game is immediately spoiled by the limp dick shooting or the clumsy excuse for "platforming"

Chloe Frazer >>> Mommy ASMR (never have/will never listen to that shit)

Uncharted 2 is still the best in the series! It's like playing a big-budget action movie – the set pieces are insane, the characters are funny and flawed, and the story is just a wild ride from start to finish. There might be a few too many shootouts, and the climbing gets predictable at times, but honestly? The train sequence alone makes it all worth it. If you love action-adventure games and haven't played this one yet, you're seriously missing out.

Mejora en todo al primero, y no tiene tantas cosas inverosĂ­miles por centĂ­metro cuadrado, asĂ­ que eso, mejora en todo.
Me flipa el cambio gráfico, estoy jugando la colección en ps4 y se ve de lujo. Jugablemente arregla el problema que tenía con la falta de impacto en los disparos. No me gusta Chloe, odio su dinámica con Nathan.

Next level sequel in every way! The action set pieces are much more awe-inspiring, cinematic and exciting!

temple run mas mais divertido, ta um frio do caralho e a melhor parte eq ha a chloe frazer

I use to have a certain distaste for this franchise, for as much as these games want to be movies I was never very convinced of their storytelling. Yeah the moment-to-moment dialog can be entertaining, but it always feels like their idea of cinema is just Indiana Jones running from a boulder. Nathan Drake in particular has always come across as this Duke Nukem-esque chimera of different quippy action stars, he hardly feels like a real character. Doesn’t help Uncharted 2’s case that Lazarovic is a really generic antagonist. My girlfriend and I have been watching through the Indiana Jones movies and, in the case of Raiders and Last Crusade, making the villains Nazis is such a quick and effective way to make you understand what they’re after and why you want to see them fail. With Lazarovic it’s just a vague hunger for power, not much to go on. In my God of War 3 review I mentioned how that game was more successful at being a movie-game than Uncharted 2. While the writing in God of War 3 has some glaring issues, I’m still able to appreciate the cinematic presentation because its telling a story unique to itself, wheras the Uncharted series never quite escapes being a facsimile of film.

After replaying it again, I’ll admit I had way more fun than I was expecting to. Combat kinda carries this game. It’s easy to look at chest-high walls and groan at how ubiquitous they were in the 7th generation, but the game loop here is never static. Enemies throw too many grenades for you to stick to the same piece of cover for longer than five seconds. You are always moving around, firing everything you have in your arsenal, narrowly rolling past shotgun blasts, sniper lines, and grenade launchers. Watching it in motion, you really do feel like an action star which, at the end of the day, is the whole goal of this franchise.

sympa la scene du train est marquante. Le jeu Ă  un peu mal vieilli quand mĂŞme