Reviews from

in the past

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Posiblemente sea el juego de la saga con la mejor historia, siendo mas madura e introspectiva volviéndola una aventura mas personal que da un cierre perfecto a Drake. Los gráficos son increíbles e impresionantes, los niveles tienen vistas hermosas y una gran atención al detalle que te hacen sentirte en esas locaciones. En cuanto al gameplay este llega a tener un buen equilibrio entre exploracion, parkour y combates y de vez en cuando algun elemento nuevo para variar lo cual hace que no se vuelva repetitivo. El mayor problema que tengo con el juego es con final que siento que pudo ser mas emocionante o mas tenso, es funcional pero no llegue a sentir que se corría un riesgo real.

Ambientação 5/5
História 5/5
Final 4,5/5

It's a really good game where you can tell Naughty Dog wanted to take the game in a slightly different direction. It felt like the game was sometimes responding to the criticism of Uncharted games having you fight way too many guys. There are a lot more sections in this game where you are just walking around and platforming.

I think the biggest flaw for me is that these platforming segments are a little too long for how mechanically simple they are. They add a grappling hook and eventually a tool you can use to dig into certain surfaces to climb them, but it's just not enough.

Parece uma experiência cinematográfica de um filme de ação/aventura

Pra mim, é um dos melhores exclusivos do PS4. A história é extremamente divertida, com bom ritmo e boas viradas. Os gráficos são de cair o queixo (e são de 2016!) e a gameplay é muito responsiva e ágil, com ótimos recursos para tornar os combates e puzzles mais interessantes. É o meu Uncharted preferido.

I could've sworn I reviewed this game. Well Anyway, neato game that I've tried a couple of times but had a hard time getting into. The game isn't bad it's just a timing thing. Sometimes you pick up the right game at the wrong time

Shout-out to the one time I spent 20 minutes driving my car off the ledge and murdering Nathan and the gang in the process. I took pictures, don't worry.

gameplay and story are the best in the series (though the long lost brother thing is a bit too soap opera for me) but i am more emotionally attached to uncharted 2 and 3.
these are my comfort games

A great Uncharted game but not as good as the PS3 entries.

These games are all similarly good to me. Simple fun.