Reviews from

in the past

One of the most stimulating games I've ever played, it sparked a genre I cannot stop playing. I have GOT to play this game high

И что в тебе такого нашли...

Easy and cheap rogue like, can't see myself playing it all the time but it'll be fun every now and then. I don't like how it just insta kills you after a time limit but I suppose that makes sense to 'beat' the game, but beating a boss would've been more satisfying than just dying.

No entendia el juego hasta que me hizo click y me metio en el mundo de los survivors y joder no habra ninguno tan bueno como este jamas. La progresion y los secretos es impecable. Los Dlcs los tengo pendientes pero seguro que son la ostia.

demorei um pouco pra platinar mas nenhuma parte do processo foi cansativa ou chata, esse jogo é muito bom de verdade

rilassante ma dopo un po' mi fanno male gli occhi

Não caiam nesse papinho jogabilidade simples, isso é o que torna tão perigoso! Você começa pensando: "Ah, é só um jogo pixelado que apela para a nostalgia com gameplay simples para relaxar", e de repente, é madrugada e você ainda está vendo qual é a melhor combinação de armas nessa merda.
Gostei muito

-Its just fun to watch things melt as you walk around and make builds.
- Bigger numbers.

Jogo bem legalzinho de jogar, monstros morrer a todo minuto e 500 coisas acontecendo ao mesmo tempo.

Better than drugs, but wait... maybe this game is a digital drug?

Une drogue qui vous suit partout grâce à la version mobile.

Entretenido, se le dió mucho bombo eso sí en su momento, es un juego móvil

Abandoned due to photosensitivity warning

Joguinho pra quem não tem o que fazer

- Unlocking stuff is fun. Trying to see what the upgraded weapon is a fun discovery. And other surprising stuff.
- My strategy is focusing on buffing my attack and upgrading my pickup. I ignore defense and hope I dodge accordingly.
- But in the end, it is very simple game with simple joy.

Amazing visuals and just super fun and addciting game, nailed the genre, AND IT KEEPS GETTING UPDATED.

I simply like to see big damage and many enemies.

the best mobile game out there by far

Petit jeu de fou, le seul problème étant mon platine sur ce jeu. Maintenant je n'ai plus grand chose à faire. Mais c'est vraiment un jeu qui m'a marqué par sa surprise

The game of 2021. Noclip video of "The Making of Vampire Survivors - Documentary" with interviews of the dev "Luca" is very interesting. I highly recommend it to those who are curious about the origins of this game!

game fells good cuz im stupid, i should not be enjoying this game, i once sat playing this game for 5 hourst straight, then went to the gym, felt like shit. do not recommend. better brotato

I can survive like, 32 minutes tops, then it's just blood and I melt and shit. Horrible.

extremely addicting amazing progression great game

se você procura um joga pra passar o tempo esse jogo é perfeito, mas se tu quer algo com historia, gameplay inovadora sinto em lhe informar que errou feio o jogo