Reviews from

in the past

I don't understand why this is so immensely popular. It's cheap-looking and very unengaging. If I wanted to walk around in circles while unfitting music played, I could just put on headphones and go outside. Playing this makes me feel like I'm thinking about playing a video game.

the most playable slot machine i ever did see.

This game is laced with fent. Despite it's extreme simplicity and potentially ugly outward appearance after one hit you are HOOKED. I've gotten 100 hours on both phone and PC and got 100% completion in less than a month. Fun weapons, great music, absurd humor, and so many secrets you can organically stumble across.

Also somehow beats PvZ as the game with the most insane and funniest bestiary. (It's that good I had to mention it)

Bom pra jogar no meio da aula hehehe

Honestly the desire for completing achievements killed alot of my interest in this game. Once you complete the bsee game theres tons of post game content that feels unbelievably challenging to get to it no matter how much you grind. And either way I dont wanna look up a guidebook to unlock new content. The core game is really fun and unlocking new weapons and maxing all the stats and the like is pretty cool!! I'm revisiting the game and the dlc so hopefully that issue is alleviated.

I thought it was gonna be shit best 30 minutes of all time.

It is alright. The coop is funny. I like to just wither away while I play it.

Good game for zoning out to a youtube video.

Why was this the one roguelite that actually got mainstream awards attention again?

very fun to play and actually to grind, the gameplay while simple can get very deep the more you play and unlock stuff
the dlc's characters and dlc's maps just add more to this great simple game

This game is a slot machine for vampire hunters. Dopamine galore. I enjoy the fact that each run lasts no more than 30 minutes. After beating the base game, I'm going back and playing a run or two everyday to unlock the rest. Super fun and more than worth the $3 or so I paid on Steam sale.

Não caiam nesse papinho jogabilidade simples, isso é o que torna tão perigoso! Você começa pensando: "Ah, é só um jogo pixelado que apela para a nostalgia com gameplay simples para relaxar", e de repente, é madrugada e você ainda está vendo qual é a melhor combinação de armas nessa merda.
Gostei muito

Good when bored, very nice maps.



played 20 hours. feels like watching a MrBeast video

i fucking love this game dude

Mephistophelian incantation of evil maths that control our world, the claws sunk into your orbitofrontal cortex (plutocratic)

Talvez o único Rogue Like até hoje que eu AMEI. É simples e delicioso de jogar. Mistura elementos de forma genial, resultando em um jogo viciante e satisfatório. Mostrou que a simplicidade ainda tem espaço na indústria.

O jogo é consistentemente bom. Sua fórmula e sua gameplay é relativamente simples, e é isso que trás seu charme.

Por mais que não goste da temática vampiresca em geral, foi legal ver as armas e sua s evoluções, itens, inimigos, mapas e principalmente as músicas. Dá pra ver que o jogo se destaca no seu estilo, mesmo que tenha pego elementos de Castlevania.

Pontos que acho q pecam um pouco são menu, que realmente é bem desinteressante navegar nele, e a falta de uma mínima história durante o jogo, sinto que desenvolvessem uma lore-zinha enquanto vc debloqueias as fases e personagem traria um carisma bem legal.

The best way I can describe this game is if you mixed Cookie Clicker with Dead Cells. Really fun to start out with nothing and through experimenting with different weapons, abilities, and characters soon finding yourself an unstoppable monster of destruction until death himself comes to immediately end your life. My go to character was Gennaro mixed with with the Amount Power-up which automatically starts me with 3 throwing knifes, which helps rack up some early monster XP that'll help get me more weapons faster, but the fun part is the fact that you'll likely find a different character combination that suits you, which is the real magic of Vampire Survivors. This game is constantly going on sale for $2-$3 plus all of its DLC which it continues to add premium characters, areas, and weapons every year since launch. No doubt in my mind that this is 100% worth a buy and play.

dopo un po' la droga ti scende e tutto perde sapore

passa o tempo q é uma beleza

It's like raw dopamine straight into my brain

Dentro del género es una barbaridad súper adictivo.

Don't play it, this game is cocaine and dopamine.

banger roguelike with tons of different items, characters, challenges, and upgrades to choose from that also has regular updates

Addiction boiled down to the raw.