Reviews from

in the past

I have a huge pileup of games, the way I get through them is by putting them all on a wheel and spinning what I play, sometimes it's horrible and I get something like Assassin's Creed Odyssey, but sometimes I get something like this that I didn't really care about playing but I'm glad I did.

It's just a really solid game. I think the art design was really good, especially on the creatures. The gunplay was simple but fun. I wasn't as much of a fan of the ship controls, it occasionally felt a bit jank but never got to be annoying. The dialogue was kind of robotic at times. But overall I really enjoyed.

Had a solid game loop and enjoyed my time with it. Great visuals and character designs, below average story, great core gameplay, great exploration.

Overall I felt it didn't drag on too long or have too much bloat. There were just enough options for weapons and abilities which made for a decently customizable play-style. Story was straightforward, though underdeveloped, overall not disappointed. Definitely some mechanics outside of the core "bullet hell" gameplay that were underbaked and underutilized. Satisfying amount of exploration and sense of completion when liberating islands, though this does quickly become more of a checklist.

I picked this up because I thought it looked neat, and it is neat, but I have realized I'm not much of a twin stick shooter guy.

El juego aprueba porque lo complete y me gusto.

Pero es un juego que se quedo corto. Tenia mucho potencial, pero no se, me quede con el regusto de que fuera algo mas.

Quiero decir, la dificultad del juego, por ejemplo, es casi nula. Puedes llevar un 20% del juego y aun asi ir a las islas finales.