Reviews from

in the past

nice pokemon-like with many competitive feature

Coromon is a perfectly competent and occasionally enjoyable Pokémon clone. It is basically everything you expect in a Pokémon clone and does all of it how you'd expect as well. All of the typical fan complaints are addressed and suggestions are implemented. All of the QoL stuff in a monster tamer game.

The art is pretty good mostly, evolutions make good sense. Type balance seems good. Love the ability to select on the fly from my monster's full moveset. The potent forms are cool, and just like other games these 'shiny' or alternate color forms also have boosted stats. Another common Pokémon clone trope is back too, a mana type system for moves just like Nexomon and TemTem.

But it's not perfect. The inflexible fast travel and long routes make the game a bit arduous to trek around. Note: not difficult. Just annoying. You find HP Cakes (potions) in abundance and you can buy them for nothing so you're never actually in need of HP items. You can use them all the time to get through routes and you'll never run out. So stopping to use them is just slowing the game down with no strategic upside. And going back to town to heal and then run back out is also just way too slow.

The story itself is pretty miserable. The dialogue is bad, especially the dialogue for the player character. The ending is pretty unsatisfying. The game is a little dull overall. The combat is engaging but there's a lot of it and there's no party XP share so it's real old school Pokémon grinding and grinding for level ups. There's plenty of welcome side quests but also plenty that are also just painfully grindy too. After awhile the combat isn't compelling enough to keep the game fun. The art is pretty good but you do occasionally feel like you're looking at Pokémon knock offs. The bad story, lackluster fast travel options and high level of grindyness scuttles what could've otherwise been a really good game.

Coromon is worth a play. Especially for a cheap enough price. It is fun. It's just not a standout in the genre. It's not excellent. If you're desperate for a good Pokémon clone, Nexomon Extinction is substantially better. But if you're just a really big fan of this genre and wanna play what you can, Coromon is still worth your time too.

For the whiners that complain that the new pokemon games are fully bad because "it's too easy", I recommend you try this!

I really wanted to love this game, I really did. Pokemon has been a series I grew up with and I've since abandoned it and completely lost my love for it, I was hoping this game would rekindle that, and while it DID in some ways I just couldn't find myself caring for anything but the combat and art.

really fun gameplay, very pretty and polished visuals, the creature are mostly intresting, lack a satysfing ending sadly.

Copia do pokemon boa, recomendo muitoooo