Reviews from

in the past

played this shit during huge blackouts happening in my country. we used to go days without electricity. didn't expect much, i got blown away by how fking good this shit is.

i was a huge pokemon fan before playing this and at the beginning i felt the combat was kinda similar, but when i discovered mixing djinns and shit it blew me over how dynamic the fights were in comparison to pokemon.

w story
w ost
w graphics

- Combinaise Puzzle + combat JRPG bien dosée et plaisante
- Visuellement incroyable pour l'époque
- Une histoire plaisante à suivre MAIS des dialogues qui me semble parfois dénué de sens ( mauvaise traduction ? )
- Plaisir de collecter les Djinn pour découvrir de nouvelles animations de combat

- On parcourt le jeu un peu trop facilement
- S'arrête en plein milieu de l'histoire

Finally beat after procrastination and welp, for some reasons to achieve 100% because of the password system for The Lost Age. I don't know how much it will be worthy, but I feel so satisfied by that.

Anyways: this is an amazing fast-paced turn-based JRPGs belonging to the golden era (which I think starts in the 90s and ends in early 2000s) with charming visuals, puzzles, interesting battle system and a nice colored cast of party.

I have to say: dialogues felt like a chore sometimes and kinda tedious. But beside that the game is a gem and objectively one of the best games avaiable on GBA.

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Played most of this game on an android emulator suffering through a fever on a family trip. It was a pretty good distraction during those times and I eventually finished it on PC soon after getting back home. The game ending on a cliffhanger was a pleasant surprise and makes me enticed to visit the sequels sometime soon. Overall a solid jrpg with a pretty good cast, big fan of Ivan, Mia, and Jenna in particular. I just wish the class system was explored more/implemented better.