Reviews from

in the past

a lot more polished than overclocked with the gameplay and UI. the story is on par with desu 1, but my only complaint is how lighthearted the atmosphere is considering what is going on in the game. i think desu 1 did it much better in that regard.

While I have a handful of issues with this game and the Septentrione arc felt like a chore at times, I can't bring myself to look into certain endings and say "Yeah this game sucked".
Maybe you just have to sit, remove any expectations and simply let the game do its thing the same way you do when you put on your usual brainless comedy TV series in the background.

The characters weren't handled very well for the most part, but if you take a moment to think and analyze their dialogues, a few actually have interesting motives/backstory/way of thinking. Makoto, Yamato, Anguished One and Fumi are my favorites in that regard. Io and Miyako had a nice arc as well, but I didn't care too much about them.

About the other characters... Despite the game being set in an apocalypse, it's written like a romcom, so yeah...
I can't bring myself to dislike any of them after so many hours played, they're good kids, but also they don't do too much, some are forever squished onto their tropes.

The Fate system is something funny because it both ignores and follows the main story. Depending on your actions and who you've talked to by that point, the Fates can be completely different and/or change a bit to give info you might have missed on previous Fate levels.
But it also suffers from the same problem Persona has with its Social Links. The characters' grow in Fate almost never reflects on the story, there was a point I was like "Why are you two fighting!? You made peace an hour ago!"

Though its still far from perfect, I enjoyed the sequel arc a lot and that's why I'm giving this game 4/5 stars. At least on that one you had various objectives and "mysteries" from the start rather than "Just beat up these guys and we will make up an excuse for a route split later" like in the Septentrione arc.
The way characters already know each other also helped in making things more entertaining.

About the gameplay itself, they improved the battle mechanics a lot (I miss the magnetite system though...), the OST was better than DeSu1's imo and there's a bit of more dialogue variety depending on the time/who you have talked to, so that made re-playing less boring.

(Oh also the fanservice got ranked up by 300% on this game. The MC is pretty much on a perpetual harem with every female character and even some male ones lmao. I personally find these kind of scenes funny, but it can be bothersome to others)