Reviews from

in the past

I went into Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania’s story mode expecting an easy-breezy time waster adventure. Nothing too difficult with none of the harder stages that the series is known for. Instead, I got a swift kick in the crotch and poke in the eyeballs as I went through a hell tornado of pain and suffering through these physics-based monkey levels. The game is VERY hard but since the levels are fairly short and you can retry any level as many times as you want, it really just becomes a matter of trial and error. Execution is key and the only way to get through is through patience and proper timing. The catharsis of finally beating that one level you spend an hour on is really rewarding and makes the journey mostly worth it, with a few exceptions. But for some levels, I really have to give it up for the addition of the optional jump button. As a newcomer to the series, it really helps make some of the latter stages bearable to finally beat. The additional guest costumes featuring the likes of Kazmua Kiryu, Morgana, and even Sonic the Hedgehog are delightful and will never not be funny to me. When talking about the game presentation-wise, it isn’t the best looking game in the world but it’s nothing terrible, just obviously lower-budget. Also, the opening theme song is an absolute banger. Would recommend to anyone with just the caveat that it can get super unforgiving. This game is not for the faint of heart.

Honestly a pretty lackluster remaster. Graphics are somehow worse here than in the original, missing content like story mode cutscenes, day one DLC, new music and sounds that just ain't it, and the psychics are WEIRD. And THAT is what will ultimately make or break the game for you. Are you able to get around and enjoy the new psychics of the game? I myself found them to be worse than the original, but not worse to the point where it ruined the game for me. The main Monkey Ball fun levels are here and accounted for. This remaster still gets a pass because the original Super Monkey Ball games were so good. Plus all the extra unlockable stuff is a huge bonus too.

Honestly, I wish this was a better remaster. It drops the ball (heh) in A LOT of places. But the core game is still fun, and I guess at the end of the day that's what matters most. Get this if you want to support Super Monkey Ball and want all the extra stuff that was added, but I would say you're better off emulating the originals..