Reviews from

in the past


Es el prologo más largo que he jugado y me refiero al juego entero.

El salto 3D le ha sentado bien, y se ha refinado la formula de los orbes pero no es tan bueno como los demás, se nota que el el prologo a algo mucho más grande.

replaying this game (and the other cold steels) made me realize just how good this arc of the series is

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that ending still raw af dc what people say man, prob my 3rd/4th favorite moment in any trails game

I was looking for a game in the vein of Valkyria Chronicles or Suikoden when I came across recommendations for Trails of Cold Steel (not a great name for a game, I don't think, but then neither are the other two I mentioned). I wanted a character-based JRPG experience with depth, maturity (but not too po-faced), and a good soundtrack. There was a lot I liked about this game, but there were quite a few things I didn't like as well. It's worth noting that this is my first Legend of Heroes game. This review is spoiler free.

To begin with, the music didn't do much for me--the funky music which plays when you are first exploring the school grounds feels a bit jarring, and often a song will be playing for just a bit too long. Sometimes that happens in games and you don't notice, but I noticed here--especially considering how long you spend in an area sometimes. Some of the songs introduced later were a better fit, I felt, although still a bit too repetitive.

This is also a very slow game, sometimes painfully slow--the story moves at a snails pace, and you're given the impression that important things are happening around you, but you're not privy to the details. Around Chapter Six I was really getting fatigued, as every month you go to a new large area, are given some fetch quests and are told to kill a monster on the highway. There is impetus to talk to every NPC you find as they help to build the world, and what they say changes depends on the time of day, and what story events have taken place--you can also talk to them twice on one occasion and they will say something different. This is a curse and a blessing. I haven't played another game which cared so much about making sure every NPC had multiple things to say to you throughout the course of the game. It makes it feel that the world is alive, that things are happening in the world beyond what you see, and that's great. It feels like a world filled with people who have lives, a world much bigger than you. This is all good. But then I have the self-inflicted curse of wanting to hear what everyone has to say at every time of day and after every story event, and it becomes a bit draining, especially when the majority of people don't actually have that much of interest to say. When I reached Chapter Six, and there was a new area filled with new NPCs and I had been playing the game for 50 hours or so, I kind of started rushing through, talking to less people, exploring less, and missed out on a few items for achievements and weapon upgrades later.

This game is set in a school environment, and so the majority of major characters are under the age of 18. It's a Japanese style school in many ways, in terms of the way it is organised, and resembles Persona to some extent as a result. The friendship links you can build with members of your party also resemble Persona to a certain degree, but you don't go through every single day of school life, just select days once per month and on one of those days you can choose to spend time with a select number of your party members. There is a lot of good writing in the game, some of it is very cleverly done, and I feel that the localization team did a very good job of keeping it consistent and believable. As a Glasgow boy, I was a very big fan of the character Becky, whose Kansai dialect had been given a very authentic Glaswegian translation. The English voice acting is also good, which isn't something I often find myself saying about dubbed JRPG games.

There is unfortunately a lot of heavy-handed sexualisation of these teenagers, and a lot of the female characters seem to be more of a male fantasy of what girls might be like as opposed to having personalities. There is a lesbian student who is a sex pest, regular commentary on the bodies of the girls (some of whom are between 13 and 15), insinuations of incest, as well as a number of lecherous male characters, such as a grandfather who is lusting after his granddaughter. There are no male gay characters, male homosexuality is treated as an embarrassing topic for men, and is the butt of a running joke related to the school's literature club. The majority of this stuff seemed gratuitous, superfluous, and as someone who teaches high school students, a bit uncomfortable. An unfortunate stain on an otherwise well-realised world, with a number of very likeable characters.

I don't really care about combat in games like this, I put it on easy, could win most battles very quickly, but even then there were still a few too many for my tastes--especially near the end. The combat is very intuitive however, and easy to get to grips with. I enjoyed doing link attacks with my teammates. I don't really know that it was ever explained why there are so many monsters on the road, but maybe this has been touched on somewhere in the series' long history.

I did really like just how much interaction there was between party members. I had a very good sense of who they were and was never left wanting for interactions--unlike in say, Final Fantasy XV. It helped to make the relationships feel real and to give me a stronger sense of the world in which they lived in, and I feel like this was the strength of the game. There is a large cast of characters, even beyond the school environment, and you do feel that there is a world here which has history and where intriguing things are happening, even if I sometimes felt like there were some obvious ideas which weren't being considered. But the world feels big, it feels well-realised. The game does have an anime feel, many characters have colourful hair, lots of sweat beads and exclamation marks, but with the exception of one or two characters, it isn't too grating.

It's also worth mentioning that visually the game is not stunning. Some of the animation is very janky and sometimes a bit silly, and I think the game was glitching a few times with regards to where the camera and characters were situated. But it does a good enough job with the style and manages to build a sense of place with what it has.

To conclude, there was a lot I really liked about this game and a lot I didn't like. But overall it helped to scratch an itch, and by-and-large delivered what I was looking for--so I was able to see past the issues. So for that reason I'd recommend it.

Machias is every Twitter user whenever someone is rich

I was tired of all the well-written characters so when I got to Cold Steel, as a persona fan, the poorly-written characters and romance really hit it off for me
Peak fiction

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The community is divided on whether or not Trails of Cold Steel is a good game or not. Both sides have viable points, but I lean towards the side that says it is a great game, with of course, flaws. Trails of Cold Steel is the introductory game to the Erebonia arc, after coming off of the peak of the series of Zero and Azure, the game had a lot to live up to in terms of story, characters, worldbuilding, lore, and much more. Although this game ranks lower on my list of Trails game, I believe it's still a great game nonetheless.

I want to put it out here that this is probably the slooooooooooooooooowest game in the entire series, even slower than Sky FC. The entire game is essentially a prologue for the rest of the arc (not a terrible thing). Also the graphics are ass, why does it look like their lungs want to pop out of their chests when they breathe?

Let's talk about the setting, The Erebonian Empire. Besides the unfortunate name of the country, I actually quite enjoy Erebonia. You got a big map (with the west side of Erebonia being blurred out for some reason). The many towns and cities that are part of the plot in this game are also all really interesting. You got Celdic the market town, Bareahard the nobles den, Nord Highlands which is hell on earth, Heimdallr which has some bang ass music, Legram and its serenity, as well as Roer, being the technological metropolis of the country. However, we can't forget Trista, everytime I think of Trista I get all nostalgic, because that's truly where all of the magic of the series began for me. I love all of the areas in this game (except Nord) and is a great eye-opener for how different Erebonia compares to Liberl and Crossbell.

The story! This game has a timeskip that confuses me until we catch up to it (think that's the point) and makes sense as a surprise factor, but if you've played Azure, you probably already know what happens after the flashback without even having to think. Oh yeah, I also want to talk about how much I love that Azure and CS1 take place during the same-ish time period, it's just a really good concept that allows you to see two different sides of a story from two different countries perspectives. I'm already used to highschool settings, so this game taking a more personafied approach didn't phase me at all, and I think that gives the game its charm, but also some of its detriments. Besides certain scenes like the Alisa accident and the weird ass Machias arc that made me hate him for the entire game, I think the game tackles the school setting quite well (although lets be real, a lot of this is so unrealistic). I also don't understand why they talk about Aptitude for like one second and then never bring it up ever again, please explain to me how they figured out everyones aptitudes for the ARCUS, I still don't get it after like three replays. I enjoy the cycle throughout each chapter, talk to people at the dorm, free day, investigate the old schoolhouse, practical exam, and then a field study to end the chapter. Cold Steel has a lot of cliche's, but I also believe that brings the game a lot of its own charm. I enjoy a lot of the bosses in this game, except the final divine knight battle because 1: I was crying, and 2: I was on Nightmare difficulty. The best parts of the game for me are personally Chapter 1, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6, for obvious reasons. Chapter 3 really kills me because of how TEDIOUS the Nord Highlands are. Like, yeah it's pretty and all, but I hate having to ride my damn horse for 5 straight minutes to get to where I need to go, WITH TURBO MODE ACTIVATED. The finale is PEAK. The school festival is great, you get some good minigames, a bonfire scene with your favourite character (if you invested into them), and then everything politcally goes downhill: asset freezes from the IBC, the declaration for independence, Garrelia Fortress vanishing, the Chancellor assassination, the C reveal (sounds really obvious now that I think about it due to all the hints and his nickname literally being the first letter of his name but I was to oblivious), The Misty/Vita reveal, and of course the fight for the academy. This game actually made me want to punch the nobles because of how scummy they were, well done development team, you actually enraged me so much, you're keeping me invested into the series forever. Trails endgames are so good (unless your name is Azure). Overall, the story is good, but there's some really cringeworthy moments and detriments that make it not as strong as previous games, but still worth playing.

Characters. I love MAJORITY of Class VII. Rean Schwarzer is the protagonist, and he definitely exudes that protagonist energy that I loved from Estelle and Lloyd, and he feels kind of more relatable in my eyes. Elliot Craig is a beast in combat because heals and I always liked him and some of his one-liners and his character arc. Alisa Reinford is kind of annoying, but I only think of this because the game essentially shoves her down your throat. Laura S. Arseid is also a beast in combat, and I love her ditzy personality in some of her bonding events. Jusis Albarea has the sarcasm that I aspire to have, and is part of my top 3 characters of the game. Machias Regnitz, I hate you (but only in this game). Gaius Worzel is boring, the only thing worthy of note I remember about him is his family, he likes his homeland, and he makes a bunch of wind puns. Fie Claussell has incredible one liners and a snarky personality, and i love her development throughout the game (another of my top 3). Emma Millstein is probably my favourite of the game because of the mystery regarding her background (also because she's a fantastic arts user). Millium, I don't really know, she's way too energetic for my liking, but I bet she'll grow on me in the future. Crow Armbrust is PEAK. I will forever be a Rean x Crow shipper but man Crow is written to perfection holy hell. Sara is also peak, with Crow and her probably rounding out my top 5. There are other great characters like Towa, some of the random students, Principal Vandyck, Sharon, Claire, Olivier, etc. However, there are some truly horrendous characters, such as Angelica because of her constant thirst for women (she's actually a good character whenever she's not thirsting over women), and Irina Reinford because how are you going to be that much of a bitch to your daughter. One thing this game suffers from is the large amount of party members. I feel like Sky handled a big party better than Cold Steel. Although it's not much of a problem in this game because you're kind of restricted on who you can use during different story segments, it still is an issue. I also dislike the bonding event system before NG+ where you're able to listen to them all, there's just a lot of missable content that annoys me. Overall, this game has a bunch of great characters, with only a couple of misses.

One thing I know a lot of people won't consider about this game is NPC dialogue. I know, some NPCs can be really boring, but Trails dialogue just hits different. I think this is the very first game where I actually talked to every NPC after each story change. There's just something about the little-ongoing stories of the different NPCs that makes me even more invested in the game, and some of them are pretty hilarious. I believe that's why I enjoyed a lot of the unique-Thors students than others, because I literally talked to them at every possible moment.

The gameplay. I don't know if I'm party of the majority of the minority, but I actually dislike the change to the orbments in this game. Yeah, I'm happy they kept the master quartz and gave more variety, but I miss the elemental value system. It's not bad, I actually enjoy orbments a lot, but I just like the previous edition. Speaking of difficulty, this game is a cakewalk, and that's coming from someone who completed it on Nightmare. All you need is Rean as a delayer with Arc Slash, and Fie as an Evade Tank (then you can pick who else to use between Alisa, Elliot, Laura, Emma, and Jusis). The hardest boss was definitely the C fight in Chapter 6, because that shit was toxic, but I still managed anyways. It also sounds stupid that you were able to infinitely delay the final boss of the old schoolhouse with Rean, and just dogpile on Loa Erebonius with arts. Basic strategy for everything was just the same, and to equip status-resistant accessories when need be (like for the Lohengrin Castle boss that can deathblow). Trails battles aren't difficult (unless your name is Sky hardest difficulty because everything one shots you, and is just tedious), but I like abusing the battle system.

Music. Trails continues to deliver with the music. The opening is a BANGER, I think I would always let the opening play whenever I opened the game, its just that good. The Old Schoolhouse theme and the Aurochs Canyon Road theme are probably some of my favourites of the game. Also got the Practical Exam theme and some of the mysterious and nighttime themes that also slap. Music is great, which means the game is good.

I've already talked about my gripes with the game in each of the sections but I love the Cold Steel arc (probably my most played after all). It might not be for you, but overall its pretty solid if you can get past the many anime tropes, cliches, and cringeworthy moments.

Loved and enjoyed this games so much (i love every Trails game i have played so far).

To begin with i will say all the good things that it has for me, first the combat, its practically the same as the previous Trails (not bad since i love so much trails turn based system), but better and more polished, with small aditions that really made the combat even funnier and interactive. The cast its probably my favorite aspect (class VII) from this game, mainly because how differents they are from each other and how good their overall chemistry is (especially in the last chapters), even if in the beggining some of them didnt have a good relationship, as a result of certain key moments, they solved their problems in a very natural and good way (for me at leats).

I think i have only one minor issue with this game, beeing this probably the story, because it doesnt seems that something interesting happened at leats till chapter 3-4 and specially in the finale chapter (with this one i have no issue at all, since i loved it so much, specially the last 2 hours, where all the plot twists happened), and its a minor issue because i understand that its probably a set up for the next games, since Cold Steel its the longest saga, it has 4 games, while Sky has 3 (2 of the "main" story) and Crossbell saga has 2.

As i said in the beggining of the review, i loved this game and it got me so hyped for the next games.

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I called it

Reans demons ahahahaha Demon time Mwahah

My entrance to the trails series and starting with a banger. CS1 is an experience i'll never forget to the rest of my lifetime and that's 100% guaranteed.

Originally I thought that this was the best 6/10 I've played.

I think it lost like a full point over the course of the game.

I'm glad I'm done because this is like easily the worst Trails game so far. At the very least the characters are fun sometimes.

What if Sky FC was actually fun? Also goddamn that finale was raw. I love chuuni shit and it gave me everything I wanted.


Has politics (BAD)
Don't has politics (GOOD)

Thank goodness they will never put politics in my beloved Kiseki games.