Reviews from

in the past


Arguably the forefather of death games in modern gaming. Any conversation about death games will mention 999 and for good reasons. Every character adds a little something to the story, ties unapparent at first form a bigger picture, a scheme.
One of my favorite memory of the game was Seven's backstory, it is told through a flashback that he himself tells other characters in universe. At that moment, 999 truly had me entranced.
It is pretty short, which is not a bad thing, it doesn't overstay its welcome.
The more I play death games, the more I appreciate 999 and everything going on for it.

Played with friends, absolute blast.

This game has a story that will permanently change your brain chemistry. There's a reason I've been deeply entrenched in the fandom for the last four years.
But, to share an opinion that is liable to get me crucified by said fandom, 999 is absolutely the weakest game in the series in terms of gameplay. The puzzles are just godawful, and the places where the story branches feel really arbitrary. It also has a real problem with overexplaining everything. I also think it's insane that people are still recommending the DS version over the Nonary Games collection - yeah, there's something interesting done with the dual screens that's kind of lost in translation, but dear god. The DS version doesn't have the flow chart. Dear god. In the DS version, you are forced to play the entire thing from the beginning if you want to see the branching paths and finish the story. My god. That's actual torture.
I still love this game, five stars no question about it. But there are people who need to hear these things.

Probably THE single best incorporation of game mechanics into the storytelling I have ever seen. The literal flowchart being a core part of the game is always spectacular. The characters are all interesting and compelling, and they're all useful to the plot, every single one drives the story forward. I do wish that Lotus was shown more often, as the ending that features her backstory is completely optional and not at all required for the true ending, but that's a very minor qualm I have

Classic visual novel. Great cast, excellent story, wonderful OST. PC version is fine but a lot of people swear only by the DS version

A very unique game. It's very interesting and most of the puzzles were fair and challenging. The pacing dies a bit near the end but the story beats were both funny and engaging. Extremely good idea for a setting and I'm glad it sparked two a sequel.

it's nice, but the adaptation, oh god the adaptation.
some of the jokes in it are butchered in ways i cannot even describe(genuinely, i don't think i'm allowed to)

still, plot contrived as it may be is interesting, and so are the various puzzles, it was very rare for me to feel the need to look stuff online and generally i was able to do everything without it except for one or two things for which i unfortunately lacked basic school knowledge to complete.

stuck with someone streaming valorant on discord simulator

please please please play the ds version, the dual screen genuinely adds to the game.

one of my favorite games i've played, i love the characters and gragh. it took me a while to get into properly into it, but once i got my first ending i could not stop. getting to piece everything together which each route, and getting to the final ending and finding The Thing out was wonderful and god . The Thing had me like . :0

i love zero escape 999

ابي ادخل مخ اللي مفكر بالقصه

The absolute peak of narrative in gaming. It's pretty insane at times but that just makes it better.

awesome story and the best puzzles I've seen in any game ever.

I think the unconventional storytelling has a lot of points to criticize but 999 is overall a great experience, it has the best story in the series plus actually grabbing a piece of paper to solve the puzzles is not something you do in every game so it's really fun



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strangest disability to be ableist about award goes to

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i'm normal and sane in the head i promise. for some reason the ending twist wasn't my favorite IDK why but otherwise this fucking game man. im so normal <- lying i will be thinking about clover and light + aoi and akane for a long time. the most fucked up sibling duos of all time. both of them kill people for eachother (well clover and light Not In The True Route and the people aoi and akane killed kinda got it coming anyway).
anyways this cast is so good. i DID seek a way out and i DID find it! now time to never be normal about the number 9 or digital roots ever again

im literally gonna get a funyarinpa tatted

A genuine masterpiece. Its few flaws are easily overlooked.

I died! Nooo! I'm gonna do it again!

At first I didn't really get it, I was imaging how I would word this out and describe my thoughts of this game and how, while I do like some parts of the game I feel like don't really reach those same heights as when I played Somnium 1 (granted yeah I'm playing these games in reverse I know but still). The puzzles from what I played were fantastic admittedly but there was something about this game that didn't land with me.
And then I kept getting the rest of the endings and this game just kept throwing the fucking hits one after another, and then the true ending route is pure unfiltered kino throwing out twists I literally could not fucking believe.
This game is actually insane, I don't know how you could come up with this, apart of me feels like I should be mad and say it makes no sense but it's so fucking insane and crazy that it loops back to being the most well thought out and kino thing ever. Especially since this game foreshadows the twist in the first frame of the first room.
I get it now. I understand now, I know what kino is like.

Why are you talking about ice our fuking lives are at stake and your giving me a headache.
What is it now? The Titanic? What about? It didn't sink? You gotta be fuckin with me.

play this game with someone else so you can dicuss what the fuck is going on it wont make it easier to understand but it will be more entertaining

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He de admitir, que no esperaba pasarme este juego tantas veces, pero no mienten cuando dicen que es adictivo e interesante. Su misterio logra atraparte a tal punto que no puedes quedarte sin saber todas las respuestas, y saber todos los posibles finales.
Los puzles aunque sencillos, sirven muy bien a la historia al momento de hacer interactuar a los personajes de multiples maneras. La ambientación es lo que más se lleva mis halagos, es DE LOCOS como un juego así se de sencillo podía incomodarme con sus silencios y su diseño de sonido muy bien logrado. Y ni hablar de la música que logra quedarse grabada en tu cerebro sin molestar en ningún momento, una ambientación sublime para un juego de DS.

Ahora, los finales:
Final del cuchillo: Lo siento, pero este para mí es el peor de todos, no responde nada, y acaba el juego de la forma mas abrupta posible, nada del otro mundo.

Final del hacha: Este si que logra incomodarte más, super cliché con la tipica jugada de la loli loca, pero ciertamente logra ser mas efectivo que el del cuchillo, aunque, otra vez, nada se responde, y te deja un poco frío.

Final del submarino: finalmente, este si que es un final que vale la pena, con momentos dramáticos mejor logrados donde ya no parece que todo está hecho por factor shock. Donde genuinamente se ve una posible salida del barco, pero de igual forma, acabad muriendo misteriosamente. Este final es el que mas agujeros presenta, aunque capte tu atención para seguir jugando, no solo no responde nada, si no que da paso a una pregunta que nunca se contesta, quien mató a todos? Quien era ese décimo pasajero? No se sabe si fue Santa, Ace, o el capitán, nunca se sabrá.

Final de la caja fuerte: Esto ya es cosa seria, aquí es donde de verdad se revela la mitad del pastel de todo lo que está pasando, me gusta como en las otras rutas ya se había anticipado la traición de Ace, entre otras cosas que ya se habían anticipado también. Un final dramático, que si explica cosas y donde se justifica el porqué dicho camino salió mal en el siguiente final, bastante bien logrado todo el entramado para llegar al final verdadero.

Final verdadero: Aquí es donde ya se suelta una cantidad de data ABSURDA. Por fin, todos los conceptos metafísicos y casos extraños que hemos ido aprendiendo a lo largo de la aventura llegan a una conclusión. Aquí es donde reluce todo el juego. El giro de que todo es parte de un plan de Akane para salvarse es bastante inesperado, pero que logra dejar anonadado al jugador con la revelación de que todo este tiempo, la pantalla inferior de la DS era Akane de niña, guiando a Junpei para ayudarlo en su camino. Una forma ingeniosa de integrar el hardware a la narrativa que nunca había visto. Ahora, si bien es verdad que este final es una BOMBA de información, ciertos elementos se quedan sin responder, por ejemplo, que pasó con santa y Akane? Porque no esperaron fuera para MINIMO agradecerles a los participantes, que hacía Lotus ahí cuando ella ni siquiera participo en el primero juego nonario? Que pintaba Alice en todo el juego? Se que hay secuelas, pero tras ver unos ensayos sobre las mismas, no parece que nada de esto se responda. Quien fué el decimo que mató a todos en el final del submarino? Si, el final es esclarecedor en casi todo, y entiendo que quiera dejar cierta información, como la memoria de seven a libre interpretación, pero una cosa es eso, y otra es directamente no contestar el actuar de varios personajes, por lo que entiendo Santa ni siquiera aparece en juegos futuros, es RARISIMA la desconexión que hay con los otros 2 juegos, tanto que parece que dichas secuelas son mas que todo un retcon del juego original. Solo con esta primera entrega me quedo satisfecho, aun con mis preguntas, he de admitir que disfruté de principio a fin cada puzle y cada misterio resuelto.