Reviews from

in the past

For the sake of full disclosure - I started this game sometime last year and got frustrated at one (what I now know to be easy) puzzle and quit. But... after playing Pikmin 4 I was inspired to restart my save and boot it back up again!

I love the Pikmin franchise! Pikmin 3 feels like a good, middle of the road Pikmin game for me. The graphics are smooth, the gimmick with the 3 characters is fun, and something about playing on the Wii U with the tablet just makes the experience all the more charming (Do people still hate on the Wii U? Is it based for me to praise it?).

What really makes Pikmin 3 stand out to me is the atmosphere changes the devs were able to display with the weather changes. I loved when I would log into a rainy day. This helped break up the monotony of grinding through multiple days in the same area. Just something about the graphics and music was so cozy! Especially for 2013 Wii U capabilities.

Pikmin 3 would be a great starter for anyone looking to get into the series. The performance is clean and it is not too challenging! ... Well except that last area, I struggled with that and recruited the help of my gamer bf :3

But really, it's not that hard I just dislike combat.

Insert Pikmin noises


This is where it all began....

I was like, bro, I need a good Nintendo Game. I've played too much Mario. XD XD XD XD Where is a good game?

Then I found THIS!!!!

I currently own ALL The Pikmin Games. (That includes 1, 2, 3, 3 Deluxe, 4, & Hey! Pikmin. My family also owns it on "Nintendo Land." I have also played "Pikmin Bloom," another fun, but addicting game.)

So, it's obvious. I absolutely LOVE Pikmin.

My favorite animal is literally a "Bulborb."

Honestly, I need all of your support. I'm already looking forwards to Pikmin 5 and 6.

Explore a beautiful world full of exotic creatures, Pikmin of all different species, and Bulborbs that burn, freeze, and eat your Pikmin!!!

(I have literally cataloged ALL the Pikmin creatures just as a side-hobby. XD XD XD XD)

You can tell I'm obsessed. That is why I rated it the same as "Super Mario Galaxy."

Probably the best game to start with but lacks the heart and soul as the rest of the series

Le funny missions very good.
Le funny pik men very good.

love coming back to this game, I don't wanna play 4 because its controls will be a downgrade from this

Literally perfect. I don't think I have to say more

Not the best in the series, but it's close.

Enquanto o 4 parece um 2 aprimorado, esse aqui me lembra bastante o primeiro jogo, com o sistema de dias limite retornando, exploração puramente diária e temporizada sempre e tudo mais. Esse jogo é muito lindo, todo o cenário, as musiquinhas, o design dos personagens, tudo é muito lindo mesmo sem considerar que o jogo já tem alguns anos nas costas. O fato dos tesouros serem sempre frutas é uma parada legal, acho que repetem um pouco demais, mas pelo jogo não ser muito longo num geral não chega a ficar repetitivo de verdade. O jogo em geral não é muito difícil, tanto a exploração em geral quanto os chefes, mas tudo bem a graça desses jogos pra mim nunca foi a dificuldade intrínseca da coisa. Confesso que tendo jogado o 4 antes as vezes eu senti falta de certas mecânicas de qualidade de vida e da I.A. aprimorada dos pikmins lá. No geral é um ótimo jogo e pikmin é bom pra caralho mesmo.