Reviews from

in the past

The game dragged on too long and the gameplay got really boring after the first chapter. Story did absolutely nothing for me. Didn't enjoy this.

This review contains spoilers

Not a huge fan of the art style, but I know that's just a personal preference thing. I enjoyed the puzzles though I needed to look up a few hints, and there was a bit more wandering back and forth than I would have liked.

Small spoiler warning for discussion of themes:
The message of parents getting it wrong, and learning to let go of what they was so sure was right or learning to show up differently was incredibly powerful. I'm so glad I played this.

pretty dang good game, if a bit too long

puzzles all felt solvable with clues sprinkled throughout, i never got hard stuck until chapter 3 (which was also, imo, the worst chapter gameplay wise, albeit the best chapter story wise)

really pretty, the flat shading style worked really well here

tove's voo-voo-voop!s and woohoo!s were extremely adorable

i'm also just a huge sucker for nordic folklore, and i don't mean like norse gods, i mean the weird trolls and fairies and all that stuff, so this was great