Reviews from

in the past

Dommage qu'il n'y ai plus personne parce que c'est quand même vraiment bien foutu

A fascinating and short experience with an extremely deep and customizable combat system based on learning new moves and including them in your ever growing catalog of moves. While I'm sure there is a "solved" or meta way to play the game at the highest levels I believe the best thing you can do is let yourself experiment and play around with moves until you find a way to express yourself through your tailored and designed move list. While my time with the game was brief this is something to come back to and praise for its seemless pvp/coop experience and its interesting combat system that is unlike anything else I have ever played.

O sifu deve ter copiado esse game aqui 🧐 mas enfim, jogabilidade muito top e estilo de evolução muito boa e uma história muito bacaninha tbm