Reviews from

in the past

Great service though the lady beside me kept creeping me out. She just spent the whole flight looking at the TV default ambient screen, mesmerized.

A game that simulates being a passenger on a commercial flight. Yep that's it, there's no trick. You can interact with everything just as in real life. Watch stuff on the TV, use your phone, draw, play games, do puzzles, read, etc etc. The concept is pretty odd, but that doesn't make it bad by itself... What makes it bad is that it's horrible in terms of immersion and all around fidelity to a real flight, with also a good amount of clunk (awful animations, bugs, graphics). There's no small talk from your seatmate, people barely make any noise, no annoying kid, no entry/exit from the plane, airplane noises on a short loop. Pretty funny how you can also take a whole tablet of sleeping pills, which I'm pretty sure it'd kill you or cause internal bleeding. Overall really weird... you would think it'd have some sort of sponsor at least but nope. You can watch A Trip To The Moon and some Looney Tunes on it, I guess that's kind of nice (though the sound desyncs sometimes).

I don't really know why this exists. Don't ask why I played it.