Reviews from

in the past

There's a lot of good stuff, but it's boring and has aged poorly.

the story is interesting and mind boggling but the gameplay is extremely outdated.

Picked this back up in 2023 to get the Platinum and really began to appreciate how good this game and story is.

It's okay I guess. Tension doesn't exist, enemies kinda suck, and there's TOO MANY FUCKING COLLECTABLES!? If you want to waste a good few hours I guess you can with this.

INITIALLY had a great story with an interesting setting that became more mysterious as the game progressed. However, it also had really bad combat that only got worse as the game progressed, actively making normal gameplay and the story more annoying as it kept going on. I don't blame anyone for not playing this, and that hurts to say because there's clearly effort here.

bom à história do game é foda!! Tem muita auto referência e alusões a si mesmo e ao universo do game foda! Os episódios de night springs enfim brabo!! Porém, a game play nuss ficou meio datada o Alan é asmático e porra teve combates que não precisava…

The best walking simulator I could ever ask for.

World class vibes and an interesting story undermined by utterly dreadful combat and mission design.

Very interesting story but I think the gameplay flatout sucks. Who decided it was a good idea to map Dodge/Sprint to the same button? Dodging is a nightmare and you spend a LOT of time running around the same forest. Not a lot of visual variety.

I thought the game was alright. Some of the dialogue was awkward but I could look past it. I wasn't a fan of the combat system but that is a me problem. The combat just got really frustrating at times and I despised the bridge part at the 6th chapter. Also, the story was a bit confusing and they just dumped a lot of names on me and I had a hard time remembering why that person was being mentioned. It was a short game and I am glad I beat it so I can play Alan Wake 2.

Alan Wake Remastered é um game que de cara me surpreendeu ao me fazer deparar com um survival horror e não um game de terror em si.

Com uma mecânica interessante de mirar através da lanterna que serve também para enfraquecer e vulnerabilizar os inimigos, o combate é bem divertido embora pouco frenético e com um sistema de esquiva meio estranho.

A experiência tem uma ambientação e um suspense muito bom, porém eu não entendi quase nada da história até minhas 5 horas de jogo, o que acredito que faz parte da proposta mas acaba não me deixando tão imerso.

Por fim é um remaster com bem cara de remaster mesmo, pouca melhoria gráfica em relação ao original e a otimização é bem ruim no pc, além de umas narrações que se tratam de comentários óbvios.

Porém o principal motivo que me faz deixar para um futuro próximo é de fato priorizar outros games, por mais que a experiência de Alan Wake me parece curta, não queria rushar o game já que vejo até um potencial e me faria entrar mais de cabeça para o segundo game que eu estou de olho, portanto, prefiro dar horas para jogos mais longos como o Dragons Dogma 2 no momento e até mesmo quero começar o No Rest For The Wicked que vem me chamando atenção.

great story pulled back by gameplay as a second thought. the sequel probably works better and this was a very for its time gameplay wise but i see why the story was liked.

Setting and story is fun. Gameplay is pretty fun in the beginning, but can become tedious to annoying towards the end of the game