Reviews from

in the past

Definitely pretty rough around the edges, like the combat and general repetitive nature of the environments, and I can’t say I was a big fan at the start, but eventually it just kinda clicked and I got the vibe, plus the dlc were pretty fun in my opinion

Such a interesting piece of work. In a lot of ways Alan wake isn't that good. It's gameplay is a bit repetitive and mundane, a lot of wandering around through the same woods (Which I don't mind), the funkiest movement system I've ever seen both when walking and driving but all of this is saved but what the game excels at.

The soundtrack is absolutely fantastic, all pieces of tidbits you can find make a compelling world that you can get immersed through, its main story, (including its concepts and characters) is really enjoyable with a lot of depth that made me so interested in all the game was revealing and left at the hedge of my seat. Also sidenote, the way the game is presented as a tv series is really nice way to approach its narrative even if sometimes ends in a bit of awkward moments.

Again, I didn't think I would enjoy the game this much at the end, since I wasn't really feeling in the beginning (Heck, I bought and played this game in february, and only now did I completed it) but if you are even remotely interested in its premise I would definitely recommend it trying it out.

Eu no inicio da minha gameplay quase dropei, mas coloquei um video de lado e fui jogando e me surpreendi, atualmente é pouco datado mas eu consegui me divertir jogando, foi uma boa experiencia, não sei se teria paciência de platinar, mas jogando esse pra jogar o 2 me deixou um pouco hypado pra ver o que acontece. O jogo não é mil maravilhas mas ainda sim vale a pena dar uma chance e pelo menos experimentar, acho um 3 bem justo

Amazing story, style and characters, unfortunately hampered by outdated gameplay and one of the worst finales I've ever played in a video game (in terms of gameplay, not the story).

There's a lot of good stuff, but it's boring and has aged poorly.

the story is interesting and mind boggling but the gameplay is extremely outdated.

Picked this back up in 2023 to get the Platinum and really began to appreciate how good this game and story is.

Alan Wake Remastered is a solid trip down memory lane, but it definitely shows its age in parts. The story is still super creepy and engaging, and the remastered visuals make Bright Falls feel even more atmospheric. However, the combat gets repetitive, and some of the dialogue and acting feels a bit cheesy nowadays. Still, if you loved the original or want a spooky thriller with a unique story, Alan Wake Remastered is worth your time.

great story pulled back by gameplay as a second thought. the sequel probably works better and this was a very for its time gameplay wise but i see why the story was liked.

Setting and story is fun. Gameplay is pretty fun in the beginning, but can become tedious to annoying towards the end of the game

I loathe basically everything about Alan Wake. I played this because the sequel is so critically acclaimed, but after playing this I cannot imagine how. I think this game is a failure in every aspect of design.

First, the graphics. Even with the remaster, these environments are at best passable, while at their worst they definitely show their age. The character designs and animations, however, are truly some of the ugliest I've ever seen in a video game. This is why the developers cunningly made the main enemy force completely concealed in a black shroud - it hides their awful appearance.

The gameplay is atrociously tedious. Every single level the game has to contrive a reason for Alan Wake to leave all his equipment behind but to venture out at night regardless. It became a running joke for me to see just how long the daytime segments were compared to the nighttime ones. I think this town gets about 10 minutes of total daylight every 24 hours based on how the game presents it. The combat system of not being able to shoot the enemies until you have shone a torch on them enough might sound kind of interesting but in practice it just drags the encounters out three times as long as they need to. The enemy variety is tragic; there is only 3. Men with melee weapons, crows and inanimate objects. WOW!

I've seen the story praised by critics, but I couldn't agree any less. It's a very simple story that's told in the most confusing way possible. Don't confuse that with the story having depth - it doesn't - it just makes it even harder to enjoy. The plot sucks, the characters are detestable and everything is padded out.

The only positive I have for this game it that it is playable. I got to the end without many issues. I recently tried my best to play the game Remedy made after this, Quantum Break, and found the worst optimised triple-A release I have ever seen. I could, at least, beat Alan Wake. There was one good section in Alan Wake, the musical number at the end of episode 4. That is 5 minutes of an eight hour game. Everything else in just insufferably standard. Hours and hours of wandering around the same looking dark woodland while shooting the same enemy over and over again, occasionally stopping to feed some awful piece of poorly acted exposition down your throat.

A jogabilidade é muito travada e ruim, chegando a irritar às vezes, mas a história e a atmosfera são interessantes e engajantes, e fazem valer o tempo investido. Adorei o formato em série e a trilha sonora é espetacular.

man i was so fucking bored. like the story had some intrigue and the combat was kinda neat at first, but there's so much of it and just wandering around that i got so fucking bored.

looked up the rest of the story and im kinda happy i didn't waste more time on it.


Combat is a bit repetitive, but the atmosphere more than makes up for it.

After experiencing a taste of what Remedy games have to offer, and because the general premise of Alan Wake sounded interesting to me (a writer whose work on a horror story comes to life), I decided to check out the remaster of the original game. Thankfully the remaster had just recently come out (well, relatively speaking). As far as I’m aware it’s the definitive way to experience the game, as it’s just the original Xbox 360 title but with improved visual features and 60fps. I was also looking forward to Alan Wake 2 afterward because it was a survival horror game (which is right up my alley) instead of an action thriller like the original, and because of how much praise it was getting. I won’t spend too much time on the plot as a lot of elements I didn’t understand until I read up on it via wiki pages and whatnot, but it was at the very least intriguing. Remedy is good at creating worlds you start to get sucked into the more you play through them, and this one is no different. As the game goes on you begin to question unfolding events the further you go. Granted, the manuscript pages you collect completely spoil later events that happen in the story, just in a haphazard order which is kind of bizarre. This game unironically also has Kingdom Hearts-esc dialogue and I love it for that. I kid you not towards the end of the game Alan starts going on about light and darkness like he’s arguing with Organization 13. Also Barry Wheeler rules, he’s just a mini Enzo who’s also Alan’s manager. Best character in the entire game. There were also mentions of TiVo in this story of all things which made me remember “Oh yeah this was made in 2010, forgot about that”. I guess if anything else, props to Alan Wake remastered for reminding me that TiVo is a thing that existed.

This game is the textbook definition of “flawed but fun”. The combat works but it’s a complete mess in a lot of different areas. You have to shine a light on the enemies and hold it on them until it breaks their shield, to which you can fire at them with regular guns and remove them from the equation. It gets a bit repetitive having to do the same technique repeatedly, especially with how long it takes to remove darkness shields from enemies. Still, in regular 1v1 encounters, it’s perfectly fine. You even get a variety of different weapons: close-range shotguns, hunting rifles, a flare gun, and flares. What’s odd about the weapons in this game is that you don’t keep them between chapters. You sort of just…lose all your equipment and get them back one by one at the beginning of a new chapter. You’re even able to swap weapon variants out at points; like you can swap between a pump action shotgun or a double-barreled shotgun at designated locations, and you can even change out the shotgun you have for a hunting rifle. There are extra collectibles in this game as well, but they aren’t anything to write home about sadly. Outside of the aforementioned manuscript pages, the coffee thermoses just exist for the sake of having things to collect, nothing more. They’re achievement fodder, and if you miss one beforehand (and you will), you’ll start to care about a majority of the other thermoses out there less and less. There’s just really no point in picking them up as they have nothing to offer outside of intrinsic achievement value.

The gunplay in this game is weird in that you don’t aim like a traditional shooter, the game sort of autoaims for you. This has admittedly been somewhat finicky for me as there have been times when I’ve readied my weapon but the gun still misses the enemy even when I’m facing directly at them, which is frustrating. Some things are just plain unfun to go against, such as the possessed objects that can only be destroyed by shining your flashlight on them and require that you use the dodge mechanic which…feels more like a drunken stumble than anything else. There are also the groups of shadow crows where you just need to shine your light on them to get rid of them, except that if you do it for too long they fly away and group up for another attack, meaning you need to kill them in one go or you need to wait for them to come back around.

However, I think the biggest fault with the combat lies in the structure itself. The gunplay is primarily designed for one, maybe two enemies at a time. When there are multiple groups of enemies onscreen this game completely falls apart and crumples under the pressure. The only way you’re realistically dealing with a group of enemies is either with the flare gun which can wipe out a group in one go, or with flashbang grenades which…pretty much do the same thing. The overly drawn-out flashlight takes a considerable amount of time to burn away the darkness shield for one enemy: in a large group it’s far too easy to get ganged up on. Granted simply shining your flashlight on a single enemy temporarily stuns them so there is a slight element of multitasking, but it’s just not enough. What’s even worse, I’ve often had recorded instances of enemies completely blindsiding me offscreen, either with some random axe that I would NEVER see coming or with a taken itself. Like, there was one time when the camera focused on 2 taken enemies coming towards me so that I could prepare, and then some random taken came up from behind me and completely cheapshot blindsided me unrelated to these other two. There is a way to know when there are enemies outside of Alan’s camera view but it’s way too subtle to even be noticeable. Not helping things is the sprint, it’s legit almost as bad as Sebastian’s sprint in The Evil Within 1. It’s not QUITE as bad but it’ll start to get on your nerves in the long run.

Outside of that though, I did still managed to enjoy myself for what it’s worth. I don’t think I’d replay this game again unless it’s years down the line; it’s incredibly flawed and is more of a “one and done” affair to me, but still: I didn’t hate it at all. It was repetitive and pretty rough around the edges at times (even on a technical level, I saw the giant red "missing mesh" error cubes inserted in geometry and just thought it was part of the actual game) but I still managed to finish it completely and even played the DLC afterward (which thankfully comes packaged with the remaster). If I were going to get to Alan Wake 2 eventually, this would simply be the necessary step forward.

something something lake something something ocean

I had so much fun collecting those coffee thermoses and looking at Alan's weird bug eyes

To be prepared to play Alan Wake 2, which is one of the most awarded games last year, I played the original title to catch up with the story.

I think the strengths of this game are his narrative and his charismatic characters. The plot is well written, as a real mystery novel, and is interesting enough to make you complete the game.

The adventure takes place in Bright falls, an seemingly peaceful village inhabited by strange people. The game invites you to explore his surroundings, rewarding you with collectible items almost every time you stray from the main path.

In therms of gameplay, it presents some original ideas, like the use of the flashlight to fight "The Dark Presence". But in the end the game can feel repetitive, due the lack of variety of enemies, weapons or puzzles.

Finally, this remaster includes two extra episodes which don't offer much more than more challenging zones

The best walking simulator I could ever ask for.

World class vibes and an interesting story undermined by utterly dreadful combat and mission design.

Very interesting story but I think the gameplay flatout sucks. Who decided it was a good idea to map Dodge/Sprint to the same button? Dodging is a nightmare and you spend a LOT of time running around the same forest. Not a lot of visual variety.

I thought the game was alright. Some of the dialogue was awkward but I could look past it. I wasn't a fan of the combat system but that is a me problem. The combat just got really frustrating at times and I despised the bridge part at the 6th chapter. Also, the story was a bit confusing and they just dumped a lot of names on me and I had a hard time remembering why that person was being mentioned. It was a short game and I am glad I beat it so I can play Alan Wake 2.

Alan Wake Remastered é um game que de cara me surpreendeu ao me fazer deparar com um survival horror e não um game de terror em si.

Com uma mecânica interessante de mirar através da lanterna que serve também para enfraquecer e vulnerabilizar os inimigos, o combate é bem divertido embora pouco frenético e com um sistema de esquiva meio estranho.

A experiência tem uma ambientação e um suspense muito bom, porém eu não entendi quase nada da história até minhas 5 horas de jogo, o que acredito que faz parte da proposta mas acaba não me deixando tão imerso.

Por fim é um remaster com bem cara de remaster mesmo, pouca melhoria gráfica em relação ao original e a otimização é bem ruim no pc, além de umas narrações que se tratam de comentários óbvios.

Porém o principal motivo que me faz deixar para um futuro próximo é de fato priorizar outros games, por mais que a experiência de Alan Wake me parece curta, não queria rushar o game já que vejo até um potencial e me faria entrar mais de cabeça para o segundo game que eu estou de olho, portanto, prefiro dar horas para jogos mais longos como o Dragons Dogma 2 no momento e até mesmo quero começar o No Rest For The Wicked que vem me chamando atenção.

It's okay I guess. Tension doesn't exist, enemies kinda suck, and there's TOO MANY FUCKING COLLECTABLES!? If you want to waste a good few hours I guess you can with this.

INITIALLY had a great story with an interesting setting that became more mysterious as the game progressed. However, it also had really bad combat that only got worse as the game progressed, actively making normal gameplay and the story more annoying as it kept going on. I don't blame anyone for not playing this, and that hurts to say because there's clearly effort here.

bom à história do game é foda!! Tem muita auto referência e alusões a si mesmo e ao universo do game foda! Os episódios de night springs enfim brabo!! Porém, a game play nuss ficou meio datada o Alan é asmático e porra teve combates que não precisava…

realmente os jogos da remedy tem um toque único, principalmente por causa da escrita e alan wake não foge disso.
o enredo é bem interessante, começa bem morno mas depois da metade eu fui fisgado completamente e o final achei fenomenal. Meu único porém é q não consegui simpatizar tanto com o personagem alan wake e nem com a esposa dele, eu estava é mais curioso pra saber sobre o universo e o plot da historia do que esses personagens, algo q aconteceu comigo em control também.
Sobre o combate e puzzle é só apontar a lanterninha e pou pou nos inimigos, nada inovador mas é bacana, achei q seria pior, problema é q se vc jogar varias horas seguidas certamente vai enjoar muito rápido por causa desse combate.

I like the goofy voices of the taken