Reviews from

in the past

i couldn't care less about the writing being dogshit (i skipped most of the cutscenes) or the level design being extremely simple, my main issue with the game is how underwhelming the battle system is. Which is a goddamn shame because from afar you'd think it's complex and hard to master, yet rewarding in the way DMC makes you feel for pulling stylish tricks. Of course the fact all enemy types act the same way and offer no resistance doesn't help. After a while you end up playing the game in auto-pilot and sure, the freestyle element makes the experience pretty fun, but it's mindless fun. There isn't much of a high skill ceiling with either characters, and even bosses all feel like fighting the same opponent (except for the last two on Amelia's route)

Assault Spy ultimately feels like a game made by DMC fans who don't really understand Itsuno's game design philosophy bur rather the surface level, flashy elements of DMC.

Also the game is super short and can be beaten in a few hours (don't forget you're playing the same levels twice), death march and boss rushes are a pretty nice way to extend the experience but I honestly don't see myself replaying this game over and over.

Best indie character action game out there though the poor enemy design means that once you git gud the game becomes a playable COMBO MAD video without much challenge.