Reviews from

in the past

It's better for the fact that it's more forgiving and for the battle theme


First played on Wii U. Got impressed by how awesome it technically looked and plays.

Thanks to this game my taste in women is changed forever and I hate children

moins marquant que le 1 mais on kiffe quand même 👌(OST moins marquante et gameplay trop facile imo comparé au 1)

that stupid fucking kid man

It's called polish. Ever heard of it? 💅

All these years later, Bayonetta is still my wife

If you enjoyed Bayonetta 1, then you should try this game as i thought it improved the second game in every single aspect.

The biggest thing I like about the game is the combat system, it felt good, and I liked using most weapons and combinations.
The second biggest thing I like is the design from monsters, and environment, to music that fits the different scenarios.

Had a Wii U. Now I don't. Staying unfinished on this console.

unplayable without umbran climax, which makes the game less fun

Best bayonetta game, just like the first one but better.

the devil may cry 2 to bayonetta's devil may cry 1

Much like dmc with a distinct style and very cinematic gameplay and cutscens. Everything in this game is hilariously over the top from the comboes to the story. I love the clean look of this game way more than bayo 1. Straight up witchtime is really easy and umbran climax is really overpowered however i dont mind an easy hack n slash as long as it has something unique to offer witch this has in spades.