Reviews from

in the past

Fun time with really solid platforming, fun new suits that are a ton of fun to experiment with, and decent combat all combine into a really great Mega Man Zero/Mega Man ZX inspired game.

It looks good, has a super exciting and energetic OST, and controls really well! The level design is really solid, I was surprised at how fun the platforming could get especially when switching between suits. Each suit felt pretty worthwhile and is used a good amount once you unlock it. I kinda defaulted between the electricity suit and the last suit (earth? maybe is the idea?) to clear combat encounters quickly though. The bosses were also really cool designs and fun to fight!

This part is gonna be a bit rambly and mostly just bitching so skip this next paragraph if you don't super care but tl;dr for my major criticism is the True Ending is locked behind some lame collectible farming and going for 100% is a bit frustrating and lame.

My only major gripe is that the default ending is pretty underwhelming, the final boss Genos dies in like 10 seconds with the Earth suit and no credits roll and you just go back to base with the main character going "well... that wasn't satisfying, I think he might still be out there..." and then just are back in the hub. This is leading you towards the true ending where you need to get 50 out of 75 Berserk Emblems to unlock the path towards the real final boss. This is pretty stupid, mainly because of how lame the ending without doing this is. I was happy to grind out the game a bit more because I liked it a lot, but about halfway through, (and to be fair I did commit to the full 100% not just getting the true ending) I started getting pretty sick of it. It's a lot of just slowly combing through levels trying to find the small texture differences to get the last few civilians/emblems you're missing in a stage. Some make a lot of sense or are meant for you to return to a level with a later suit but there's a bit too many that are very annoying to find and are way too hidden in a game that generally isn't that kind of exploration-focused. I will say the true final boss was pretty cool and at least to me felt pretty worth grinding for but I just think the work towards that isn't the most fun and I can see that weighing the game down a good bit. The rest of the true 100% wasn't much better, unfortunately, aside from combing for all of the civilians/emblems the other main requirement is getting S ranks in each level. I wouldn't have minded S rank grinds, in fact I probably would have really enjoyed it if the way score was determined was a bit different. As it is right now, the only thing that matters is points which are mostly based around having a big combo. This doesn't sound terrible but some levels you can only reasonably S rank by finding all the extra combat encounters and intentionally using weak attacks to farm combos to get extra points which was pretty lame. If it was more like Sonic Adventure 2 where points + time played a factor I think it would have worked a lot better. Being able to clear combat encounters as quick as possible while maintaining a combo and continuously moving would have been really fun but instead, you have to slow down and farm combos unnaturally. The EX levels that you unlock for getting all civilians in a level were a nice reward and fun to run through although there's no built-in restart option which was a little lame because they're time trials where death spawns you at the start but the timer doesn't reset and that was stupid.

All in all a great time and I look forward to future games from this dev! This and Gravity Circuit are showing how much potential the Mega Man Zero/Mega Man ZX formula has and it's cool to see so many games inspired by this improve on it and make stellar action platformers! It's not super long but it is decently beefy if you're going for 100% although the 100% is a bit awkward. Regardless I think it's well worth your time if you're a fan of action platformers!