Reviews from

in the past

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The stellar gunplay of Borderlands 2, minus most of the nihilism and plus a delightful tribute to TTRPG gaming. What's not to love?

Furthermore, the breakthrough with Tina was the most emotionally impacted I've been by this ENTIRE franchise. This DLC is easily my favorite part of Borderlands 2!

Feel like we all know the is the best BL2 DLC. You are literally playing DnD with Tiny Tina and the rest of the gang and it's hilarious. Skeletons, other characters reimagined for a DnD setting, blowing up the ocean (almost), this DLC has got it all.

SPOILER But even with it's whimsical tone and world, it still has serious moments. Tina confronting Roland's death is one of the best scenes in the Borderlands series. BL2 had writing that they probably won't ever match again.