Reviews from

in the past

almost perfect game but the stupid rock solid chapter sucks giggty dick

Obra maestra creada por un grupo de drogadictos.
Gracias Illojuan 😔🙏
(No lo he jugado pero quiero, seguramente se quede en 10)

Vi a serie do jogando fodaci e parece perfeito

Conker's Bad Fur Day is a twisted, hilarious, and surprisingly challenging platformer that pushed the N64 to its limits. Its crude humor, bizarre cast of characters, and pop culture parodies are either incredibly off-putting or downright genius – there's no in-between. The platforming is solid, even if the controls feel a bit dated now, and the game's variety will keep you engaged. Be warned: this is NOT a kid-friendly title, with excessive violence, language, and adult themes. Overall, Conker's Bad Fur Day is a cult classic worth revisiting if you're into its uniquely dark humor.

Como jogo mesmo é 3.5, mas pela audácia é 4.