Reviews from

in the past

One of the greatest classic Disney games. I played it when I was 7 years old. I still can't beat this game. It's very challenging and the controls are a bit slow.

rewatched the movie today and what an absolute disney classic it was. wanted to try out the ps1 game that released alongside it, and this was honestly a pretty fun time. extremely short, but the sprite work was really well done. music was very cheery as well as having some great boss fights. I would recommend if you’re a fan of hercules!

"Não, não, minimi. Você tá completamente maluco, não existe God of war pra Playstation 1"

POIS TOME, a mitado of war do PS1.

Dá pra ver que teve carinho no desenvolvimento desse aqui, ainda mais que fica evidente que tiveram um prazo curto pra lançar junto do filme. Oque mais se destaca é a direção de arte e as animações, o gameplay é bem sólido apesar de simples e consegue ter uma variedade boa.
Não é tão difícil quanto lembrava quando moleque, a dificuldade mesmo é seu sistema de save bem punitivo.
É uma 💎 do poderoso sonysmo 1, é peak.


Honestly a pretty good game with beautiful spritework to boot.

Another random game I just remembered I played while watching Oneyplays.

3 Nostalgia Critics outta 5.

Cannot remember if i ever beat it, but the music was fire.