Reviews from

in the past

I feel like everyone had some MMO that they were really invested in for some amount of time as a kid. For a lot of kids it was Runescape or Maplestory or etc, but the one that stuck for me was Mabinogi.

It's honestly fitting, the more I look back on it, that I was so enamored with this game, even if I never got that far. It had this focus on skilling that was (and is) so unique that I still wish manifested in the form of a sequel. I guess in a way this game was my Runescape in the way that the games are weirdly similar in some regards.

I think in the creators' minds it was supposed to be a very immersive sort of life game, and you can tell in the way that you talk to NPCs using keywords rather than dialogue options and how skills are increased through usage and unique ways of using the skills rather than just grinding away at using them over and over.

Honestly this game really probably is one of the most unique and interesting MMOs out there and that it hasn't been followed up is always sad to me. The closest thing is like, Black Desert, but that really doesn't scratch the same itches.

But hey, at least OSRS is still living its best life.