Reviews from

in the past

man this one was cool. the normal stages were pretty good. the bosses were challenging and fun. the “remix” stages (i have no clue what they’re actually called) are neat. i think the idea of refighting bosses from the previous game with the new abilities was cool, but i wish it saved before the midpoint boss. having to redo a whole portion of a stage after dying on a fight like airman kinda sucks. and finally, i think the wily stages were ehh just alright. also thanks for making me refight yellow devil (i mean i beat him 2nd try but that was with using all five of the e tanks i had stored). the pre-final boss was a little tough and the final boss itself was way too easy, but hey that’s fine. this game was honestly pretty great. plus the music was good too. enjoyed this even more than the 2nd.

8 first levels are not really interesting sadly (all follow the same format with 0 new gimmick), but the revisit are even worse

"2 is the reason Rockman lasted this long" is something only amoebas who haven't played the objectively better followup say.

It feels a lot like Mega Man 2.5. A lot carries over from the previous game, with the pros and cons that entails, while the addition of Rush, the sliding mechanic, and some extra bosses doesn't really expand upon the gameplay that much. It's probably the best of the original three games, but iteratively the least impressive.

I've generally had somewhat harsh opinions on this game but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit more than 2 on this playthrough.
The controls have been updated a bit, with mega man now being able to slide which feels really good and adds a lot more diversity to the movement and how you dodge enemies, and makes it hard to go back to the games where he can't. Also this game finally fixes the issue in mm1 and 2 where he just feels like, a little bit slippery for no reason, and thank god cause that could get really annoying at some points in those games.
Unfortunately the items are a little mid in this game. I like the search snake a lot, which is very helpful for killing enemies that are to small to be hit with you're regular buster. The shadow buster is also pretty helpful as well since there are some parts where you benefit from being able to fire in eight directions. Hard knuckle kinda sucks though and is slow as balls, and gemini laser fucking blows if you ever miss an attack since it just goes all over the screen for like 10 seconds and you can't pause or fire at all. Also the top spin sucks balls and you basically have to damage yourself to do damage to anything else, and is basically only helpful for a couple bosses.
And that brings me to the difficulty of this game, which is all over the place. The robot masters' stages feel very fair in difficulty, pretty challenging but in a good way. But then you get to the doc robot levels. I'm sure this was really cool back in the day, but now it just feels like a slog, and it also doesn't help that these levels are really long and have like hardly any checkpoints. Also, the attack patterns that these bosses reuse are clearly not designed for the size and hitboxes that they have. But then you get to wily's castle, where the game somehow goes to being wayyy too easy. I'm pretty my e tanks maxed out by the 3rd level here, so I literally just stopped using them at that point to make it slightly more challenging.
Overall, I liked this game a lot more on this playthrough. It introduces a lot of things that become staples in the series, such as the slide and protoman. Also I didn't really talk about it much, but the music in this game is really good, I might actually like this game's soundtrack more than mega man 2, or at least equally. However, this game apparently wasn't even finished by the time it was shipped to stores according to the developers, and I feel like it kind of shows in terms of its' uneven difficulty and overall jankiness. Despite this, I still think this game holds up really well.

This game apparently takes place in space, across multiple planets, and the game mentions this zero (0) times???

Mega Man 2 is damn near perfect. This game doesn't hit the same highs but is still fun: the music is good, the Robot Masters are interesting, Proto Man is a cool addition, and the introduction of Rush and Mega Man's slide adds new dimensions to the platforming. I think the inclusion of the Robot Masters from 2 is a little cheap but this is still a fine video game that's worth playing if you're a fan of the series.

Mega Man 3 is a game too ambitious for its own good.
Overall Mega Man 3's level design and bosses are very solid and well done. On top of this Mega Man himself has a new slide ability that the game really forces you to use. Combine it with fun weapons and evolving the Item concept from Mega Man 2 and you have a recipe for a great game.

And then you beat the main robot masters at which point everything goes to crap.

The problem is the Doc Robot remix stages, which is not in of itself a bad idea. The concept of refighting the Mega Man 2 bosses is honestly cool. But the remixed stages are such a poorly designed difficulty curve that it's less curve and more steep hill.
Then you get to the Wily Castle and suddenly the opposite problem occurs, it's too easy. It's a damn cake walk that showers you in E-Tanks and extra lives with the only hard boss being Yellow Devil MK. II.
Hell, there's even signs in the Wily Castles that there was meant to be more but it got scrapped.
Combined with slowdown issues that make me highly recommend using Legacy Collections Turbo CPU function and you have a recipe for a mid game that could be so much more.

At least it gave us the History Repeating album, that slaps.

Not much changed from Mega Man 2, but the series starts to walk in the right direction.

took me an embarassing amount of time to finish lol but honest to god. really good game. definitely very unpolished esp at the end but the devs got like zero time to work on it from what i know but still its honestly crazy what they accomplished even with that crunch. this very much feels like just, a better mega man 2. which is funny cuz yea thats kinda how the nes games are they all build upon each other but shadow blade is literally just a tweaked version of metal blade im just saying... :P

btw. very fucking funny that top spin instakills the final boss. its peak. very excited to play 4 :)

Is it weird to say this is my favorite classic Megaman game?

I know it is notorious for being a messy rushed title hold together by a couple of coding strings and a bit of luck.... but I dunno I preferred it a lot more than the other classics.

It legit has some of the best OST, with themes of Blues, Snake Man, Spark Man, Hard Man, Top Man.....seriously I do love this soundtrack even more than most of the tracks from Megaman 2.

The leveles are cool and even if janky really fun to traverse.
The addition to the slide give so much more to megaman's movement.
And Rush is a such better companion than ITEM-1 and ITEM-2 from MM2.

The Wily fights can be annoying, especially with the subbosses, and Proto man boss fights can be either frutrating or just boring, with nothing in between... but I dunno I still find the experience really enduring.

I also love how it feels like an "endgame" for the trilogy: it brings back the bosses from 2, even if just as data, and it has a ending that showcases everyone, not just megaman and his siblings, but also every other robot master, with a music that is able to sound emotional even with the soundfont of the NES....

I get why people don't like it as the others, but I feel this is my fave.

It's pretty good, I didn't liked it as much as mega man 2 tho