Reviews from

in the past

yes itll forever live in MEL and Reloaded's shadow... but that's where it belongs

its a fun few hours but nothing more imo

The game is pretty great. It has some fun and neat puzzles that are fun to play around with.

but god, the ending is

not good. It just isn't good.

This could easily be a portal 2 DLC and you wouldn't even know the difference! Really great job on the puzzles and environments. I do think the dialogue in a lot of places wasn't amazing, or at least doesn't really hold up to the standard of portal 2, but that is something that is a lot harder to get right, especially for a free mod.

Fun puzzles that gave more portal gameplay adding in water that blocked gels, difficult puzzles, and then needing to solve a puzzle that keeps getting more difficult with a time crunch at the end.

But the story started picking up, dropping a bunch of cool hints that you start to expect to see payoffs for and then all of a sudden the game ends and it was a bummer. Wish the game just had that tiny bit more to it to really tie everything together better. But oh well

Kind of a mixed bag for me. On the one hand it suffers from what every fan-made portal puzzles suffer: they're either too primitive or too overcomplicated. As a result, the game varies between being too simple and being extremely tedious and clunky. The plot is also messy, it relies too much on repeating the Portal 2 formula, but the pacing is completely off, you spend too long in the first act and rush through the other two, and the ending is... yeah. And in terms of originality, though it may be not too honest to ask a fan made mod to reinvent the game but after Portal Reloaded the experience feels lacking.
On the other hand, the voice acting is really fun and well done, I enjoyed the part of the game with Emilia specifically. I also really enjoyed the locations, especially the surface world. It looks really refreshing for a Portal game. Music also fits the game very well and I could easily mistake it for the original Portal soundtracks. And at the end of a day it's still a game with portals and it's hard to ruin that.

This kinda blew me away a bit. This is one of the highest quality source mods I've ever played. It even runs on its own custom modified version of the source engine. In some ways it looks more visually impressive than Portal 2 itself. It also has some of the best voice acting I've heard in a mod, I love the new sphere characters. Love.

A very well made mod for the game. Short and sweet. I really liked so, well done.