Reviews from

in the past

It's a slog, but with some golden moments sprinkled in-between

Not nearly as good as the main game.
I really miss the open map.
Running through the same linear levels TWICE killing 100 of the same enemies gets boring real fast.
Still had funny moments though.

I'm gonna be 100% honest, I do not think Apocalypse Weekend is anywhere near as enjoyable as the main game of Postal 2.

It feels more limited due to it's more linear nature, which on it's own would be fine, but a lot of it is either "kill blank amount of enemies" or "go through a level then run back out it" so it gets old fast.

I would hesitate to call it "bad" because I don't think it is but, unlike the main game, I found myself wondering when it'd be over more often than I'd like.

The Mad Cow Mike J. boss fight at the end is a funny idea but I feel he's too much of a damage sponge and, since it's also not a hard fight, it sorta just got dull to actually fight.

Also that military base level was just not fun.