Reviews from

in the past

A mess of a mixture driven through creative mission design, stylistic visuals, and somewhat entertaining narrative. It certainly falters toward the end, can be a little tedious + challenging, and falls short of composing actually interesting characters, but is mostly steady enough to receive a high rating,

Eu definitivamente não sou o público alvo dos jogos da Arkane. Achei tediante e sem graça, com a sua história sendo a única salvação, exceto com o seu final extremamente broxante.

Something else I need to go back and finish. Logically it should grip me, but I think that the art deco aesthetic reminds me too much of BioShock (and yeah, I freaking love BioShock so that shouldn't be an issue).

The perfect Immersive Sim. Incredible atmosphere, art direction, and sound design. So much room for creatively completing objectives however you please. HUD and mission markers can be completely disabled. The story doesn't hit too hard but I don't care at all when everything else is this fine-tuned.

i can def tell this is a fantastic game but i am horrible at fps games and this one is very daunting and intimidating if you are me

still, this is like a better bioshock

itsd fucking scAry (annoying)

El juego pre-escopeta: aaaaah que susto todo!

El juego post-escopeta:

Difficult to get into initially, the incredible world design and plot allow you to really get lost in the game. The immersion of this game is its strongest quality. I think that this game is underrated in its genre. One of the real strengths of this game come through the fact that there are many ways to solve one problem e.g. by stealth, hacking, setting a trap, using psi attacks or just using bullets.

The weakest points of the game are character design, as I never felt attached to any of them. I also am still not sure whether I liked or didn't like the plot twist at the very end. The combat at times can be unenjoyable and repetitive but only to a minor extent. I think the game struggles with a pacing issue for the last 20% of the story.

These gripes however are relatively minor and the game is still very enjoyable. I find the game to be most enjoyable played on a harder difficulty as part of the enjoyment comes from playing around the enemies and easier difficulties make them far too easy to deal with.

This is everything I love in a game, yet I find my self struggling to ever get into it? Just thinking about everything there is to do in this game kinda overwhelms me and I can never shake the feeling I'm "missing out" on content. One day I'll force myself to actually sit and playthrough it

Prey (2017) wraps up after 23 hours on PS4. Its gameplay stands out as the gem of the experience, drastically transforming your playstyle and strategies from slow-mo gunfights to embodying a fascinating alien persona, stealth mechanics (which are surprisingly engaging), to full-on brawls, among others, making other RPGs pale in comparison. The simple deconstruction and crafting system is also noteworthy. Its top-notch level design allows for non-linear approaches, rewarding experimentation that often feels ingenious.

However, the game does have a couple of significant issues that prevent it from shining brightly. Firstly, its backtracking system is flawed, with long loading times between hubs and unenjoyable fast travel mechanics that involve floating through space to find an airlock, leading to excessive backtracking. Moreover, some side objectives cannot be completed immediately, requiring you to wait for story developments or consult guides to know when they become accessible, which can be mentally taxing.

Secondly, its enemies lack iconicity. For a game inspired by titles like System Shock and Bioshock, one would expect memorable adversaries akin to SHODAN or Big Daddies. However, Prey only offers Typhoons, typical formless alien entities and their variants, lacking a definitive antagonist and resulting in a somewhat forgettable experience.

Other than that, the game's difficulty curve is uneven, starting off challenging and frustrating, becoming too easy towards the end once you're fully equipped with neuromods, chips, and an arsenal of weapons. The game's best moments are found in the mid-game, and its gunplay, while serviceable, lacks the impact expected in an FPS, with weapons feeling somewhat underwhelming.

My score: 3.5/5. (Would have given 4, but oh, the dreaded backtracking with loading screens).

This was an amazing game. Talos 1 is beautiful and feels like a real, lived in place. Every challenge I faced likely had multiple ways to do it, which shows promising for the replay value of the game. I loved it and might 100% it one day.

A heavily streamlined im-sim. While it has an extremely well thought gameplay loop its main ending leaves much to be desired narratively.

Um dos melhores jogos que já joguei.

Esse jogo é muito gordo, isso define ele.
Demora muito pra pegar o embalo e quando pega você já não vê a hora de acabar, progressão muito arrastada e cheio de encheção de linguiça.


Whoever told the aliens that mimicking a mug was scary pranked them hard

Este juego aporta una ambientación que, sin ser novedosa, es capaz de marcar una diferencia notable con sus momentos de terror y sus grandes dotes de libertad, permitiendo al jugador avanzar usando su creatividad e ingenio como fuente principal en la narración.

Pocas veces se ve un videojuego que te deje hacer lo que quieras con lo que te dan y que incluso afecte a la historia de forma coherente.

Esperava mais desse jogo, os momentos de tensão são ótimos, atomosfera muito chamativa, mas ainda sim o final senti que faltava algo

Bestheda mesmo sendo uma Ubisoft que toma banho, quando quer faz jogos originais

-Interesting weapons, very creative with what you can do with them.
-Cool enemy design, even though some of the enemies are reused with a different flavour to them.
- Some sections can feel a bit too long or too tedious to do.
- End game felt a bit janky to navigate.

No wonder people call it the pinnacle of immersive sims.
The beginning of the game felt just magical! The exploration, learning all the mechanics and what means are available to you, yearning to uncover what happened...
I liked the story. The way of how it was uncovered to you also seemed neat.
Most of the time, the game felt fresh but I would welcome more weapon choices and maybe enemy types.
The ending was a mindfuck >.< Left me wanting to explore different choices available.

This is a wildly overrated game in my opinion, but it does have some cool moments and a few great ideas.

it's really good and got a great start-up but it's not for me and dat hurts me oog </3 </3 </3

I thought my opinion would be waaaay more controversial but no, it seems like this game is generally well received. Now in short: I, Love, This, Game.

Apparantly people call these kind of games "immersive simulations", which is a term I have never encountered before but sure, seems logical enough.

I have no idea about anything that went on in the story. Everything was just weird in a freaky and exiciting way, like how you have no idea what is going on in Dark Souls until you watch Vaatividya's explanations. But after reading a sumary the story seems actually pretty interresting.

But now the part of the game that makes it one of my personal favourites (and also the reason why I can't shut up about the game). I love the gameplay. I love it when games just have an internal logic that you can use to your advantage. I love it when games leave room for freedom and expression. And finally I love it when there are multiple ways of going about solving a puzzle/clearing a room full of enemies. Prey is the first game of this kind that I have played, where there are just so many possibilities and tools to interact with the environment.

So the gist of Prey is that you are some kind of guy or gal, you wake up, see a guy get eaten by his coffee mug, you wake up again, you smash a window make your way through the first part of the game and eventually end up in the lobby, where you notice, that you are on a space ship and you are trapped with these eldritch horror looking human eating aliens consisting of somekind of weird black shifting matter. From there on out you are mostly free to roam the facility. I still destinctly remember how my first instinct was to return and to use my gloo gun to build makeshift stairs. I reached an area that was dark and really scary and I definetly shit myself when there suddenly appeared a phantom right infront of me. The game didn't tell me to go to that place, but it gave me the tools and I figured it out by myself. And this sums up my experience with Prey quite nicely. Where ever I went I found puzzles in the form of locked rooms or safes. This was the game's way of challenging me to use my brain. And it felt so satisfying everytime when I got into a room through any other way that isn't the front door.

10/10 for the most liberating experience I have ever felt in gaming and also for scaring me to death multiple times in the first hours.

Prey is such a trip! It starts out like your typical sci-fi survival game, but then it throws in shape-shifting aliens, mind-bending environments, and questions about what even makes you human. The open-ended gameplay means you have tons of freedom to solve problems your way, and Talos I is an unsettling and fascinating place to explore. It can be scary as heck, and the story gets a bit convoluted towards the end, but if you like immersive sims and a healthy dose of weird, Prey is an unforgettable experience.

Great concept and idea, would loved other entries in the future

Achei a temática e ambientação lindas, e a ideia de ser um jogo extremamente livre também é incrivel. Mas parece bem vazio (não no sentido artístico), sinto que falta uma sensação recompensa, desafios, exploração ou qualquer coisa assim.
Quando joguei, senti que simplesmente estava concluindo alguns trabalhos e nada mais

Pensa num joguinho foda!
A história e super legal e interessante, pena que eu passei o jogo todo morrendo de medo ksksksks.

Despite it ticking all of my theoretical boxes: Dishonored-era Arkane; sci-fi settings; horror-tinged sim combat; etc., something just isn't clicking with me.

I've started this game off-and-on for years now, getting farther each time but... I don't know what it is. Unlike the Witcher 3, this game isn't sticking despite bouncing off it initially the first few times. I might keep at it, but I'm putting this back on the shelf for 2024, regretfully.

Que jogo bom puta que pariu, o jogo que me apresento os imersive sins

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adoro coisa de historinha explorar lugar e ainda tem aspecto de terror o bicho vai te pegar VRAU mas odiei o final de ui era tudo mindira marromenos mas adorei