Reviews from

in the past

I'M FREE. I'm vibing to THIS now. FINALLY. I didn't let the torture of 4/4.1/4.2 and this stop me. I know that the series is capable of something special, 03 showed me that.



If you'd read my recent Rance reviews back to back, you may have noticed that over the course of playing 4, its sequels and this, I've started to make less and less sense. And that's because I've decided to binge all of those to get them out of the way as soon as possible, at the cost of my sanity. I've decided to get over with this one before playing Kichikuou and VI, since I hated the idea of having yet another (allegedly, at the time, because this really is unbearable) near-unbearable game right after the acclaimed Kichikuou, and so that I'd have only good (allegedly) remaining Rance games left, all of the ones from VI to X, as well as Kichikuou, are highly acclaimed, and I am excited to play them. Finally.

But yeah, this might genuinely, without any exaggeration, be the worst JRPG gameplay I've ever experienced. Why is everything a roulette and time based???? Holy shit. Huge respect for people who somehow survived until now without having played 03. I consider myself a patient person, but if I hadn't already experienced 03, which was a great game, I would've possibly given up on getting to the better Rance titles. I don't know how they thought this would function as a soft reboot to get new people into the series.

At least it's not as long as IV (though still longer than 4.1/4.2 and 02, ugh), and there are some decent funny moments, along with some decent tracks in the OST (i like All Your Power), but overall it was, once again, pure physical torture to play. At least now I have only good games to look forward to