Reviews from

in the past

It's the original on the DS, all right. The GameCube version is the better version in my opinion, but this is a fun way to play the game and it has some gimmicky DS exclusive mechanics that tug on my DS loving heartstrings. Pick it up if the Arklay Mansion is your favorite Resident Evil location.

My ideal way to play the original. You get some quality of life tweaks, plus, if you’re so inclined, the rebirth mode is a nice little extra for when you want something different. 2 is better, but 1 still holds up quite well.


Ele replica tudo do Resident Evil 1 clássico porém portado para o Nitendo DS, com gráficos melhorados, e com novas mecanicas utilizando o microfone e a caneta Stylus.

Os problemas que o jogo tem são os mesmos que tinham no clássico, dublagem e atuação horrorosa e o furo de roteiro que tem mas não irei falar aqui pois é Spoiler.

No geral um bom jogo vale a pena conferir