Reviews from

in the past

A fun game to mess about on with buddies, much better with mods, big recommend. :)

tem muito a melhorar, tem uns bugs ali e aqui mas continua sendo divertido

One of the first matches I made a really cool build where I was tanky, had a second life, heat-seeking missile rounds and a field I could deploy, it allowed me to play from either a distance or right up close, despite how OP this sounds my opponents were still dangerous. One armed with artillery railgun fire from the skies and a very deep health pool and the other with a huge barrage of bouncing rounds that can leach life balanced out with a very shallow health pool.

The last match I won the first few rounds, which somehow ended in them building up nuclear Death Stars from their fingers whilst I had like 3 cards because they kept destroying each other whilst I cowered in a corner.

The game alone is good, the mods make this great

Este juego me demostro que si aguanto 5 minutos huyendo de mi amigo, puedo hacer que caiga una bomba mas grande que la puta pantalla.

Very replayable, even more with mods

Simple idea, well executed.

Mods make it both impossible to understand and hilarious for it.

if you played Stick Fight: The Game, think that but less players, new abilities that change the game, and it doesn't endlessly go on. Super fun to play with your friends. Haven't even touched the mods yet.

I want more people to play this game because I win these

solo he jugado un día y me lo pasé bien, pero me pico mucho con este tipo de juegos (bueno, con este y con todos)