Reviews from

in the past

fiquei confuso pra porra e só dropei o jogo

September 1999 is a game from 2018 that adopts a Found Footage aesthetic, and if to my own recollection, was one of the first bigger games to be purely in the style of Found Footage, now it's mainly Bodycam horror games, but I feel this was the first big example of a game starting this trend.

The game is 5 minutes long, you can't make it shorter, or longer, and most of it you have to interpret for yourself. I believe you are either a serial killer, or someone that has some form of schizophrenia. I do believe this game is a test game almost, for the developer to test his abilities for making a game, and trying things new. This feels like a project, to start a bigger project, at least to me it does.

The game's aesthetics are very cool, and you only have 2 rooms to go through, but how they use these two rooms are very cool, but, there's not too much to this game, maybe if it was expanded upon with more story, being longer, and just an overall expansion in general. I believe this could be quite good, but it is too short to warrant a high rating, at least for me.

Overall: 6/10