Reviews from

in the past

I thought it was okay. Music sucks though.

Nothing about what little I played of this game when I was younger grabbed my attention for very long. Though, after skimming some of the reviews of this game here on Backloggd, I think I'm gonna assume I'm not missing much. I barely remember playing it at all, and the small bit I did was underwhelming at best.

I played this game from beginning to end as a kid and honestly?
It wasn't terrible
Yes the gameplay is janky and the story is a mess but the environments were charming and some of the encounters were actually fun
I enjoyed the ability to switch between characters and discovering the secrets hidden in the overworld, it scratched an itch

I was little and I couldn't get through the first world lol

I couldn’t fucking get past like the first area, fuck this game, and THIS FILTH was my first interaction with any Sonic game as a child.

God have mercy on anyone ever looking to replay this game.