Reviews from

in the past

I kinda scream when the screen gets smaller

A great idea for a game, but there just needs to be more.

Jogo muito divertido e muito daora para se jogar com os amigos, o problema é que é caro, então fica meio dispensavel para alguns, sua jogabilidade é muito legal e interressante acho que tambem da para se divertir sozinho, mas com amigos fica melhor

such a fun party game if only we ever got a fourth

This is one of my top 5 party games

It's sad that nowadays there aren't many people playing the online mode

i freak tf out playin this! too fun

It's like Mario Kart but a platformer and more rapid fire. Hell yeah

This game is simple but so fun. The characters are hilarious and the game is fast and tense. Great party game for you and some friends.

The late nights spent with friends on this game will live with me forever.