Reviews from

in the past

Hanging out with family at my brother's house and decided to trade off each race with a friend to kill some time

We ended up beating the game in a few hours

So fun and captures the spirit of the podracing scene (the best scene in Phantom Menace) so well

Star Wars: Episode I - Racer is a pure blast of nostalgia. The podracing feels super fast and satisfying, the tracks are memorable, and it perfectly captures the excitement of the podrace sequence from the movie. Sure, the graphics are dated now, and the single-player is a bit barebones, but with friends, the multiplayer mode is still a ton of fun! If you loved podracing as a kid, this game is a must-play.

*Finished in March, no exact date

Very smooth controls, however a crap upgrading system and some annoying difficulty spikes

Probably the best thing to come out of Star Wars Episode 1. I didn't play it as much as other racing games on the N64, but it holds its own.

Simply put, that's a super fun game!
It revolves just around the racing stuff, not getting into the entire content of the first movie of the prequels. It has a lot of cool looking maps, cool looking racing pods and a little dirty secret about Sebulba's... (actually, not really a secret if you watched the movie, hehe).
I played it as a child, so you may argue that it's just my overly coloured memory... maybe it was... nonetheless, I truly loved every single hour I spent playing this game, and, oh, for how many hours have I done it...