Reviews from

in the past

in this game pyro has an incendiary rocket launcher and soldier has two shotguns how rad is that

i think bruno mars wrote a song about this game that was pretty popular in 2010 or so

It doesn't have the crazyness and charisma of its "sequel" (at this point more its own thing since TF classic was originally a Quake modification), but it plays alright and it's fun...for the first half an hour, personally.

deleted my review of this by complete accident. gist of it was that you shouldn't buy into the common sentiment that tf classic is just "tf2 but worse" - it still has an active, if small, fanbase nowadays for a reason. the goldsource engine movement makes the game more chaotic and the map designs are super cozy. it's probably better than tf2 cuz it wasn't updated into oblivion. plus medic is soooo much fun to play in this one.

edit: as of today i have decided that this will be replacing my team fortress intake. join me, my fellow conc jumpers, in the old school tfc discord.