Reviews from

in the past

Um classico dos jogos de luta de arcade portado para plataformas atuais. Como um jogo de comemoração, ou dream match, todos os personagens da serie que apareceram antes deste game estão disponiveis, até mesmo os chefes, e a minha amada King. Possui uma gameplay muito boa, e agressiva, comparavel ate com os jogos de lutas de anime, mas é bem divertida. Esse jogo possui uma pixel art animal, pois é da era de ouro na questão visual dos jogos 2D da SNK. Eu so acho que como esse é um relançamento, poderiam ter adicionado mais conteudo, como modos novos, mas pelou menos ele tem rollback netcode decente.

Definitivamente KOF não é pra mim

Versión un tanto mejorada del desastre que fue KOF 2002

My personal favorite for when one of my friends wants to 1v1. It's got almost everyone's favorite in this game. Alot of fun, difficult challenges as always, and the art is the cherry on top

This is the best KOF game in my opinion. It's a love letter not only to the NESTS saga but to SNK in general. In this game, everyone who was playable in the NESTS saga is playable, yet that's not where it stops. There are stage cameos and references to older SNK titles like World Heroes, SamSho, Metal Slug, The Last Blade, AOF, and the older KOF games; there are even references to the Fatal Fury games, including MOTW. Everything is improved in this game as well, there's even remade themes of the older KOF, FF, and AOF games. (Usually, this would be a problem because I have a gripe with remixed themes, but it's done well here.) I think I've mentioned it before, but I love the characters of SNK. They're all brimming with personality and they're all unique. (Minus the literal clone characters, but even K' has his unique gameplay charms compared to Kyo). Just an all-around perfect fighting game.

Feels like a middleground between the aspects I like from KOF 98 and KOF XIII in some ways (my most played KOF games) but very distinct from both, very fun just want to play it more. Vanilla '02 is rly good as well.

Esse jogo beira a perfeição. Eu entendo o motivo das viúvas de KOF falarem que todos os outros games da franquia são ruins perto desse.