Reviews from

in the past

Before we had Vivian, this game featured the first trans Nintendo icon. There was but one problem: she was in the corner of a Virtual Boy puzzle game. Also the manual writer didn't get the memo. Also also, and far more relevant to the review at hand, the developer had exactly 1 month to make the entire video game from scratch.

The result? Objectively speaking, this game is bad to play. But we won't lie... We think this has potential??? We think a falling blocks + pipe mania hybrid isn't an inherently awful idea (just look at Tube-it by Taito--though that one is far more on the "pipe mania" side than the "falling blocks" side), but it being consigned to the virtual boy, the 1 month development cycle leading to a flat-out half-existent password system that doesn't actually let you INPUT the passwords, the objective being to All Clear the board (GOOD LUCK WITH THAT), the 3-pieces in particular... Yeah, no, good luck getting anywhere close to the point where the game loops!

Regardless, we had a bit of fun playing this on our modded 3DS as just a fun little fidget we weren't trying to "win" at. And in that regard, it's fine. We just wish someone would take this game and give it the TLC it deserves--if someone made an indie game that was just this game, but they put it on an actually good platform, gave it some better balancing to make it less RNG-reliant and abrasive, maybe doing away with the whole "All Clear to proceed the rounds" thing, we'd play it in a heartbeat. Heck, if you made this a proper score attack/time attack game, you wouldn't even need to fix the broken password system! This is easily our top pick for "someone should remake this bad game, but do it better".

...Also, why ARE the pieces intestine creatures, anyways?