Reviews from

in the past

El gameplay táctico es divertido y sencillo de empezar a aprender, pero no me gustan los juegos con muerte permanente

Extremely good and infinitley replayable. Super fun strategy game with permadeath that makes every decision mean something I loved this game. Pro tip: start in Africa.

Holds up surprisingly well to this day.

really quite astonishing. the gameplay loop of research, building facilities, and increasing passive income to utilize in combat is decidedly a winning one; the gameplay here is so satisfying in a way i haven't really experienced anywhere else. the b-movie tone and energy add a lot of charm to the game as well - i found myself getting really invested in the stories i would create on the battlefield and the war tales of my soldiers. insane replay value, too; at three deals this is nuts

Great tactical gameplay - especially at the start, it can feel really stressful in a fun, tense way. Eventually (at least on lower difficulty levels), you can reach a point where you're sufficiently ahead that you can just keep playing indefinitely. I like that the game has real stakes with permadeath, even if I don't always like it in the moment! The new technologies / facilities give a real sense of progression across the game, and the combat has a decent level of variety with the different classes, so you can create a balanced squad to take out to the fight.

Years ago, I was introduced to the genre of turn-based tactics games with XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and for better or worse I was left chasing that incredible high ever since. The only other game that could provide that perfect mixture of strategy, risk management, and the iconic kick of RNG was none other than XCOM 2. While the sequel largely supplanted this one in terms of pure gameplay, every once in a while I still get the hankering to start a campaign in this atmospheric sci-fi horror setting to beat down aliens with my stompy mech soldiers.

But why was I so instantly captivated by this game? This wasn’t something I could easily answer at first while getting thoroughly obliterated as a newbie commander. That first campaign was confusing, brutal, yet still inexplicably fun. 1000 hours of play later, I’ve come to the conclusion that XCOM has the most perfect loop of interesting decisions and significant consequences constantly alternating one after another, keeping players invested all the way up until the endgame. The choices are weighty, varied, difficult but still intuitive to understand. Whether things go right or wrong, both newbies and veterans can always uncover a new layer of strategic depth.

I was hooked on this rapid and dynamic loop of learning, adapting, and gradually molding my troops into badass alien killers. My first campaign didn’t go very well, but as soon as it ended I was pumped to start the journey again with the knowledge that I had gained through my mistakes. Then I did it again, and again, until I finally won my first classic ironman campaign after a long, bloody war with a death toll in the 50s. That victory was one of the most memorable gaming moments in my life, and something I always hope to experience again when playing other strategy games.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is both the best and worst kind of stressful. Building up your base, researching tech, and then sending your soldiers out where they might actually die? Brutal but awesome. The tactical combat is super tense, and the stakes get crazy high. Might not be for everyone – one bad move can screw you over, and the permadeath is rough. But if you like turn-based strategy and don't mind the frustration, XCOM will suck you in like crazy.