Reviews from

in the past

Yooka-Laylee is like a blast from the past, in both good and bad ways. It totally nails that old-school collect-a-thon platformer vibe – bright colors, talking animals, goofy characters. But man, the controls are clunky, some levels are confusing, and the camera is your worst enemy sometimes. If you're nostalgic for Banjo-Kazooie and miss those kinds of games, you might enjoy it for a while, but be prepared for some frustration.

I feel like I would enjoy this more if it starred a Honey Bear and a Bird

A good first try for Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor, I would’ve just hoped that playtonic would give it another shot with a proper sequel

Honestly found this game to be really charming and fun. Beautiful environments, fun characters, lots of liveliness. Gives me so much Croc 2 nostalgia.

I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but there's something equally appealing and repellent about this. It's got the foundations of a great collectathon platformer. Clearly it's a spiritual follow up to Banjo Kazooie, and a lot of it what made those games fun to play is present, but I find myself hitting a wall after about an hour.

I've played this on and off several times over the last 12 months or so, with my immediate thoughts being that it's quite fun and I'm having a good time, but it's not long before I get fed up and I really have to fight the urge to turn it off.

It could be the ridiculous amount of tasks and things to do. Or the abilities locked behind Trowser snakes annoying conversations. Or that some parts of the gameplay feel slow and meandering. And some platforming areas being really fiddly and if you mess up a run you have to go back to the start. Or it could be that I'm not as into these types of games anymore (and if that's the case, why did you enjoy Tinykin so much?).

It definitely isn't the lovely visuals. Bright and colourful for the most part and everything looks great. And I do enjoy playing a lot of the sections. Maybe it's the way the game is structured. Lots of little annoyances accumulating into a big one.

I've tried, I wanted to stick with it. But maybe I should just play Banjo Kazooie again?

Como um fã de mais de 15 anos da duologia banjo do saudoso N64, o que dizer do sucessor espiritual dele?
Yooka lailee tem alguns méritos, como a maravilhosa trilha sonora de grant kirkhope, que tbm fez as músicas dos jogos banjos. O jogo tem uma gameplay que responde bem e um gráfico simples porém simpático, porém infelizmente da falhou no aspecto mais importante de um jogo de colecionar: o de divertir ao coletar. O level design é pouco inspirado e os personagens não tem metade do carisma dos personagens da série banjo, infelizmente. E somado a isso, em comparação ao level design e a recompensa, que é o que em level design motiva uma pessoa a continuar jogando algo deixa muito a desejar... mesmo com essas ressalvas, se você gosta de uma jogo de plataforma e/ou da série banjo você pode acabar gostando... Porém pra mim não divertiu. Ficará arquivado por tempo indeterminado.

Decided to give this a replay for its 7th anniversary and it’s just as good as I remember it being on launch day. This game l has issues aplenty that have soured many on this title, but by some stroke of good luck, I’ve managed to love it in spite of it all. I love the worlds, the music, the moveset, and the writing all so much and I absolutely cannot wait for Twoka-Laylee when Playtonic’s ready to show it off.