Reviews from

in the past

This was a very average yet lengthy FPS game for me. A lot of the reviews mentioned that the game feels like Call of Duty and I do have to agree retrospectively.

The game basically has a campaign that is taken from the story of every Bond in the franchise's history. The only one I have memory of is the first campaign: Goldfinger. The quality of the campaign decreases significantly after the first chapter. Some of the issues plaguing the first chapter like the extremely lengthy segments that drag on forever will just get worse later.

The game also heavily alters the story of past Bond movies and make them better fit the Daniel Craig era. All Bond is, unsurprisingly, played by Daniel Craig. I feel like the altered campaigns only loosely resemble the original plots to the movies.

The shooting and movement is honestly fine in this game. Like many have pointed out: this is basically Call of Duty dressing in Bond's skin. So the fundamentals weren't implemented too badly. Was it fun? Well... let's just say at least it doesn't complete suck ass.

Driving, like in Bloodstone, also absolutely suck balls in this game. Maybe I got spoiled by playing too much racing game or something but damn the driving was absolute dog shit.

This was, overall, another very average shooting game. There really wasn't anything too special about it aside from the campaigns being long af.

A mediocre first-person shooter. The boss fights are just button mashing. Not a good Bond game either. Avoid it, it's not worth your time.

This game is a disaster. Bland repetitive levels, mostly horrific voice acting, and a horrible hard to follow story. The last level has some really fun moments witch is this games only saving grace.