Reviews from

in the past

ogo incivilmente LINDO.
Jogo com uma gameplay muito gostosinha, feito de um jeito que vc pode ir para onde quiser e a historia você descobre por si próprio. O sistema de transformação é a coisa mais divertida do jogo com toda certeza,
Bem a unica coisa que pode incomodar é que ela VIRA UMA ÁGUIA , mas mesmo assim ela prefere pular em plataformas.
Mas isso não estraga o jogo, continua sendo muito divertido e bonito.
Compra em uma promoção ai.

It's pretty short.... checks notes.... Sorry, pretty AND short. You can probably tell if you will like this one just from the cover art. A chill flying and exploration game that doesn't outstay it's welcome but doesn't offer anything additional to really elevate it beyond a calming flight.

Beautiful game, I loved it so much it is so fun to play

While it won't be everyone's cup of tea, I can safely say that I very much enjoyed my time with this game.

It is definitely more of a visual journey than a traditional platformer, but I think it does what it sets out to do very well.

This Swedish-developed indie title is definitely an enjoyable experience which will remind you of Zelda, especially Breath of the Wild. Minus the combat that is. This game has no combat at all and that's for the best. Instead it has an interesting flying mechanism which you use to travel between the different areas in the overworld. You visit various temples to gather pieces to continue to the next temple and so on.

Storywise it's a simple but good story. You're awaken and chosen according to legends to save what's left of the world from darkness and evil. Much like... yeah you guessed it; Zelda Breath of the Wild. But around there the likeness of the games stops. The game relies heavily on platforming, both inside the temples and caves as well as outdoors on the various islands. There's minor puzzles to be done to inside the temples to reach your goals, usually to collect a piece of a key or such. The game is quite open world and doesn't feel too linear, with that said there are of course requirements to continue to the next temple and to finish the game.

So let's talk about the ending. I won't spoil anything but it does leave you with a "Oh, but I want moreee"-feeling. Tough luck, the studio sadly closed down not long after the release of the game so no sequel is in development. I wouldn't say the ending is disappointing, but it does feel like a cliffhanger if anything.

I do however recommend this game for people who want to try out a unique indie game. It's easy to get into, not hard at all to play and the lack of combat/death makes it quite accessible. I do recommend playing it with a controller though, since the controls for flying can be a bit iffy.