Reviews from

in the past

This game is pretty instrumental to my childhood but it holds up tremendously well. I think it's the playstations mario 64 in the way that the act of controlling the character has so much appeal on its own. It's also a knockout in every category. The level design is great, the 90s anime aesthetic is charming and it has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard. This might be my favorite 3D platformer. It really strips away the fat that collectathons can usually have and just makes something that's constantly engaging. Just make sure you get to the first final boss before you try replaying levels. It's made to do a casual run first and then you go back and do the completionist run second.

ape escape was awesome. it still is, but it was then too

GooeyScale: 75/100

My favorite 3d platformer of all time. Perfect visuals, soundtrack, and art direction.
Gameplay is tight and responsive. While the control method may seem unorthodox at first, you'll quickly get used to it and get into the rhythm.
You recieve a variety of gadgets throughout the game that each build upon the foundation built in the early game. The gadgets are integrated perfectly into the level design, and you'll rarely ever find yourself getting stuck.
The story is cute and cartoony and the characters are simple, but obviously this game isn't really about the story. The english voice acting is different in the US and Europe, and they are both very silly 90s performances. Personally I prefer the US dub and Spike's weird voice.
This game is puzzle platforming collect-a-thon excellence.
A must play for any platformer enjoyer.

El juego base me gusto mucho, pero sacar el 100% no es tan divertido como pensé. Aun así vale la pena jugarlo por la interesante premisa de que los coleccionables tengan vida propia.

Playing the game for the first time in 2024 is an interesting experience. The biggest barrier to entry is the control scheme, it's experimental and does not quite feel natural with the way that things have evolved. However, you can adjust to it quickly and the skill barrier is low enough at the start that it's not really a problem in the early game. I hesitate to call it good, but it's so different that it's unfair to criticize it just because 3D gaming has gone in a wildly different direction.

Some of the tools are a bit difficult to use, but the game has generous amounts of apes in each level and does not make you catch all of them to progress, so you can tailor your experience pretty well. I think it is fun to hunt down these apes, and I really wish there were more games with this kind of objective. It's wild that a game that is so immediately fun and interesting doesn't really have imitators.

I am not the type to want to collect everything, but the joy of seeing the apes doing funny, unique things really pushed me along to want to see "just one more level". After about 90 minutes I definitely got my fill on this game and am happy to put it down for a bit. Now that I have a feel for it, I'm sure I'll be able to jump back in any time.

It's a pretty neat game considering the time it came out, but it certainly comes with its hindrances. Taking a clear inspiration from Super Mario 64 was a good idea, but adding gimmicks to the 2nd analog stick was pretty questionable.

Along with that, the flow of movement, which should be one of the most important things to take away from Super Mario 64 is missing. In its place is a shoddy movement that is slightly smoothened by movement gadgets that have you constantly rotate the right analog stick like how you waggle a Wii remote for motion gimmicks. Why is this acceptable?

Gadgets are a neat idea, but since there's only 4 use slots at any given moment, it felt like a chore to have to keep on switching between items. It certainly would kill my flow when I had to open the quick menu to reassign stuff. Along with that, I feel like those movement gadgets could've been implemented into the core movement rather than having to treat them like any other gadget. Often times I would want to have the net and stun club readily available, but that would prevent me from having the movement gadgets available. Along with that, jumping is mapped to R1, which just feels wrong.

The story is a fun bit of anime hijinks with late 90s English dub. It's dumb quirky fun and I wish the true ending wasn't gated off by 100% ape collection. I don't feel compelled to collect all the apes because of the shoddy implementation of the gadgets and the mediocre movement.

Honestly, even without the true ending, I felt like the game was too long. It's probably just not a game for me and I can accept that. A bit of a chore, but it wasn't bad, just not my preferred type of platforming game. Hopefully the sequels are better.

super fun super solid 3d platformer with a lot of fun gimmicks. i ended up going through and catching all of the monkeys to get the true ending, goes to show how much fun i was having with this because i just wanted more ape escape. it also just has a lot of character with it's cheesy voice acting, saturday morning cartoon story, a really charming artstyle, and music that unexpectedly goes so insane. only thing i'd really say was frustrating were some weird platforming things at a couple points and a handful of moments where the camera was a little weird, but honestly overall i didn't really have too many issues with either of these things, i felt like they actually worked really well here which was something i wasn't expecting from a 3d platformer like this. definitely a series i can't wait to play more of

I know there's a true final boss but I'm not going through every stage again to get all the monkeys so I'm calling it quits at the normal final boss.

Anyways game is pretty good, often quite janky but fun and charming as well. Using the right analog stick to control items is definitely cool and I wish more games used it for things other than camera control, it's uses primarily come down to what direction you want to use the item in but it adds a nice tactility to your actions.

The somewhat linear level design allowing you to choose which monkeys you want to catch is honestly pretty cool, letting you chose which items and paths to take adds some nice variance and replayability.

The actual act of catching monkeys can be a bit finicky and annoying though, and the game often feels like a "the camera is the true final boss" game, but it was overall a good time and I'm curious to see how the sequels handled things.

Also yeah the soundtrack is fantastic, and the percussion and other effects cutting out when you lay down is so cool.

The apes escaped, but not to a game with more longevity and better movement

Totally blew me away. Just pure fun.

Voice acting that sometimes felt "off", a few annoying camera angles, and the sometimes frustrating analog stick spinning to jump high were the only things holding me back from giving this a five star rating.

One of the few games I enjoyed so much that I put the time and effort into a 100% clear.

This is a must play PS1 game.

Great music, awesome levels, creative gameplay with the use of the analog sticks makes this such an iconic PS1 title for me!

I really enjoyed this one.

Ape Escape is a game mainly made to show off Sony's new dualshock controller and it does a very good job of it while also being an amazing game in its own right.

The plot of the game is so ridiculous that I can't help but be charmed. Spectre an ape from the circus steals a helmet from the professor that gives him higher intelligence. He then uses that intelligence to send a bunch of apes back in time to rewrite history. Its so stupid and I love it.

You play as a kid named Spike who has to go back in time to catch all the apes throughout the different time periods. Each one of the levels in these are very unique and charming and fun to go through.

Throughout the game you get various gadgets from the professor , and these are what takes advantage of having a dualshock. A slingshot that you have to sling the stick back to shoot, A helicopter blade you have to twirl to get extra height when jumping , and even an RC car you control with the extra stick. You will use these gadgets to catch all the apes throughout the game.

Overall fun but I have a few complaints about the game. The camera isn't very good and can sometimes get stuck and the control scheme can take some getting used to, but i don't think it detriments the game too much.

Overall though its really good. Probably my favorite platformer on the Playstation