Reviews from

in the past

Idk why it took me so long to finish the english translation but I finally just did... and man, I'm starting to believe that all of these games are equally good and that I'm just nitpicking when deciding which ones I like more. I don't like it as much as 1, sure, but it's still basically a perfect game that leaves a very similar impact. I'm just so, so glad it has an english translation now. Humanity needs these games.

Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 is a profoundly earnest and delightful time capsule that completely washed over me the moment I stepped onto the humble shores of the small coastal town contained within. The atmosphere is relaxed and serene but not entirely tranquil; as nearly all of the residents have some sort of conflict or aspiration they need assistance with. All of these characters were a joy to interact with and checking in with each of them every day throughout this 31-day vacation had me grow incredibly invested in their lives and hopeful for their futures. These relationships formed organically and effortlessly, due in no small part to the way this game romanticizes every moment, whether it be a small discussion between characters, a minute spent sitting together in silence while the dissonant melody of a record coats the playground, an afternoon spent catching bugs while running through the sun, or a loving mealtime spent laughing with family; these fleeting moments are all significant and impactful despite their brevity. Before I knew it, these small moments culminated into a month's worth of time and I bittersweetly had to wave goodbye to friends and family alike as the summer drew to a close. While the future from that point forward was intimidating and uncertain, the memories and relationships forged during that time would undoubtedly serve as a comfort and source of strength going forward.

Perhaps my largest takeaway from this experience, which left a sizable emotional impact on me, is to enjoy and relish in life's quiet and subtle moments just as much as I would the louder and grandiose. The march of time doesn't halt and our lives will inevitably be composed of far more of these small, indistinct moments than those that are commonly celebrated; coming to terms with this has honestly given me an enhanced perspective and sense of comfort when reflecting on my own life. I'll do my best to ensure that this new outlook remains close to my heart alongside the place where this work of art now resides.